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Friday, January 15, 2010

Mealy-mouthed lies and the contemptible liars who compound them

“Everybody lies.”
— Gregory House
“Lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
— term popularized by Mark Twain
“Lies, damned lies, and mealy-mouthed lies.”
— TheBigHenry
“Lie like a man, motherf*cker.”
— TheBigHenry
Remember "Bush lied; people died"? Well, whether or not he lied, as frequently asserted by the mealy-mouthed liars of the left, many did die; deservedly so. But at least he didn't claim his dog ate his homework.

Everybody, with the possible exceptions of Mother Theresa, Barry Bonds, and The Obama Himself, lies. But some lies are more contemptible than others. For example, I would not hesitate to lie if I thought it would save a life worth saving. But take The Obama Himself — please! Or take any of His lying lackeys, who change their doodie pants less often than their mealy-mouthed lies.

"Oh, well, my words were taken out of context". "My dog ate my homework". "I was misquoted". "Mis-contextualized". "Mis-apprehended". "Mistaken identity". "Misspoke myself". "Harshly toilet trained". "Deprived of my Miranda rights". "Depraved indifferently". Any mealy-mouthed bullshit taken at random from their inexhaustible list of bullshit excuses. "It was all a big mistake that just dribbled down my chin of its own accord". Props to Slick Willie, however, for his clever "it all depends on what the meaning of is is". I'll take clever over craven any day.

The most obnoxious weasel word is "mistake". A mistake is an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc. A lie doesn't qualify. A lie is not an error. A lie is intentional. Calling a lie a mistake effects a compounded lie. And a mealy-mouthed one, at that.

Post #1,085 Mealy-mouthed lies and the contemptible liars who compound them

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