Interesting Times Ahead
Related source » Obama Must Go
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“His malapropisms, however, are not only a sign of a deeply ignorant man but also a symptom of the policy miscarriages he has implemented since taking office — again, too numerous to mention in toto. The most recent, of course, is his thorough mishandling of the Egyptian imbroglio, especially his opening the door to the ascendancy of the notorious Muslim Brotherhood into the corridors of power. But given his bungling in both Iraq and Afghanistan, his unwillingness to take steps to prevent Iranian weapons and insurgents from crossing into the battle zone, and his placing American civil security into the palsied hands of Janet Napolitano, his corpse-man gaffe has distinct and ironic implications for American servicemen as well as civilians. For those who follow American politics closely, but from a privileged distance — as does this Canadian — it is hard to resist the conclusion that Barack Obama is nothing short of a national catastrophe, surely the worst presidential blight to fall on the U.S. since the woeful Jimmy Carter and probably as far back as Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce or John Tyler — take your pick.”
— by David Solway, February 9, 2011 (
The Obama is a runaway train-wreck in the making. But He is only the proximate cause of our impending doom. The tracks that passively enable this looming catastrophe were laid by a defect of human nature — the great reluctance and, frequently, the inability to acknowledge mistakes made. It is a matter of personal self-esteem held more closely than even personal survival.
It gets worse. This defect is so indelibly etched in our DNA that we are inclined to take such action as necessary to obviate the mere suspicion of mistakes acknowledged privately.
The circumstances couldn't be more dire. We have the proverbial ship of state in the arthritic hands of mental midgets being cheered on by corrupt groups of self-interests, ravenous free-lunchers, and malevolent powers. And no one wants to take responsibility for what is to come as a result of the violent neglect of the obvious.
My fear is that another evolutionary bottleneck is on the horizon. I won't be around to witness what, if anything, survives the interesting times just around the corner.
Chances are good that it won't be pretty.
Post 1,562 Deckchairs at the Bottleneck
This line in the linked essay, "The United States is no longer united.", is one of the saddest lines written since the bloodbath that was the Civil War.
ReplyDeleteNever in my sixty-two years of life have I seen government in such conflict, with over half the states involved in some sort of Federal lawsuit with the Administration.
I am not optimistic.