Related source » Israel's supporters better wake up!
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“As we all know by now, Israel has lost the battle for public opinion in the West. […] The West is experiencing a total inversion of truth, evidence and reason. A society's thinking class has overwhelmingly subscribed to an immoral, patently false and, in many cases, demonstrably absurd account of the Middle East, past and present, which it has uncritically absorbed and assumes to be true. […] This has led to a kind of dialogue of the demented in which rational discussion is simply not possible because there is no shared understanding of the meaning of language. So victim and victimizer, truth and lies, justice and injustice turn into their precise opposite. […] The problem is that we are dealing with a pathology — to which we nevertheless respond as if it were rational behavior. […] Remarkably, this in turn echoes a very similar inversion of reality within the Islamic world, where such inversion has a theological base. […] So while Muslims deny the Holocaust, they claim that Israel is carrying out a holocaust in Gaza. Antisemitism is central to Jewish experience in Europe; Muslims claim that 'Islamophobia' is rife throughout Europe. […] What is remarkable is that instead of treating this as a pathological deformity of thinking, the western progressive intelligentsia has largely embraced it as rational and true. And to a large extent this is because that same western intelligentsia has itself supplanted rationality by ideology. […] This is because, rather than arriving at a conclusion from the evidence, ideology inescapably wrenches the evidence to fit a prior idea. […] In other words, both Israel and diaspora Jews have to stop playing defense and go onto the offence. […] It's time for Israel to realize that military campaigns against its enemies are not enough. It has to call time on its false friends too, and start fighting both these and its more obvious enemies on the battleground of the mind.”
— By Melanie Phillips, Jan. 10, 2011 (
Read it and weep, my friends. Or risk losing your mind. It wasn't simply guns, germs and steel that secured the West's preeminence among the world's civilizations. It was rational thought.
"Islamophobia" is not an appropriate response to the war being waged against the West. We must acknowledge, however, that Islamofascism is waging war against the West. And we must respond in kind.
There isn't much that an ordinary citizen can do to influence world events, of course. But that is not an excuse to do nothing. Everyone with a conscience and an understanding of rational thought must, at the very least, endeavor to think rationally. And if time and energy permit, one must act to whatever extent is reasonable on the conclusions arrived at by means of rational thinking. In short, reject all insidious spin being hurled against rational individuals by all the usual suspects having all the usual axes to grind.
As for our Chamberlain-in-Chief, rational thought clarifies his woeful lack of credentials to lead the fight against the West's enemies. The Obama's rejection of Churchill's wisdom (gained from massive expenditures of "blood, sweat and tears") along with The Obama's naive quest of "peace in our time" by disgraceful pandering to the very enemies of peace, define The Obama in terms of the worst characteristics of our least effective Presidents: James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Warren Harding, and Jimmy Carter. Ironically, The Obama could obtain a saving grace if he is made a one-term "lame duck" President like another of our least effective ones, and the one most appropriately nick-named, Millard "Mallard" Fillmore.
Post 1,550 Wake Up and Smell the Mendacity
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