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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Quantifying the Values of the Nation

Related Link » The normblog profile consolidated links

“The normblog profile is a weekly Friday morning feature. A list of all the profiles to date, and the links to them, can be found here.”
 — Norman Geras

Norm's blog is one of my favorites, and I especially enjoy his "weekly Friday morning feature", the normblog profile. And my favorite question of Norm's standard set is what I refer to as the dinner question: "If you could have any three guests, past or present, to dinner who would they be?" To my mind, that question in particular offers the best insight to the mind of the interviewee. It highlights succinctly the value-set of the responder.

Of the 30 questions that I chose to answer in my own profile, my response to the dinner question was:
Imagine the conversation: Moses (ethics, justice, investing); Lincoln (leadership, wisdom); Einstein (what it all means).
In 2010, the United States will conduct its decennial census, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution (Article 1 Section 2). I think it would be valuable, enlightening, and just plain fun to include an optional version of Norm's dinner question in the census questionnaire. What better way to quantify our values as a Nation?

Can you imagine what some of the responses would be from the morons in this Leno video?
h/t Theo
Lord have mercy ...

I invite my readers to respond to Norm's dinner question via comments to this post.

Post #812 Quantifying the Values of the Nation


  1. Michael Jackson
    President Obama

  2. Michael Jordan, Barry Bonds, OJ

  3. Michael, Janet, LaToyota.

  4. MLK, Jesse Jackson, Rev. Wright.

  5. Michelle Obama; Oprah; Queen Latifa

  6. Obama; Biden; Pelosi

  7. Babe Ruth; King James; Queen Latoya

  8. Janet Jackson; Justin Timberwolf; Brittney Spiked

  9. Che Guevara; Sean Penn; Bill Ayers

  10. The Firesign Theater.

    Which actually had four people, but I can't count.


  12. John Kerry; David Letterman; Todd Palin
