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Friday, June 26, 2009

Bringing Cell Phones to a Gun Fight

Related Link » Iran: Desperately Seeking Yeltsin
“Iran today is a revolution in search of its Yeltsin. Without leadership, demonstrators will take to the street only so many times to face tear gas, batons and bullets. They need a leader like Boris Yeltsin: a former establishment figure with newly revolutionary credentials and legitimacy, who stands on a tank and gives the opposition direction by calling for the unthinkable -- the abolition of the old political order.”
 — By Charles Krauthammer, Friday, June 26, 2009

Perhaps Charles is right; he often is, in my opinion. But my suspicion is that what the Iranian demonstrators need more than their "Yeltsin" is their guns. A knife, much less a cell phone in a gun fight just doesn't cut it. It only invites suicide by thug or sniper.

The revolution that might have been will be crushed ugly for want of some guns in the hands of the crowd. Who knows; the armed government-thugs may have been ripe for a sudden flip in allegiance with a little well-placed and lead-filled persuasion. That could happen, but it probably won't. Last time I checked, the Iranian Constitution didn't have a Bill of Rights.

Post #811 Bringing Cell Phones to a Gun Fight


  1. The Second ammendment ensures the rest.

  2. What a sentence: "Who knows; the armed government-thugs may have been ripe for a sudden flip in allegiance with a little well-placed and lead-filled persuasion."

    I couldn't agree with you more.....
    WOULD that our leader had shown a tiny bit of support. Funny, while you're talking about guns, I still read "lead-filled persuasion" as if pronouncing it LEED filled (as in Guided!) and I thought our president might have filled THAT void.."LEAD, GUIDE them into success, tell them we'd support them".....exactly what those crowds, and the Rev. Guard, needed. It was said that at least one Rev Guard Commandant HAD sided with the people.....I wonder how long HE lived.

  3. Not much chance of Obaminator leadership, Z. It's hard to do on your knees.
