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Sunday, January 18, 2009

The recurring endgame begins ...

{link » IDF Implementing Ceasefire, 18 Jan 2009, 00:56 IST}
“The IDF emphasizes that its forces will respond to any attack against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers, and that any such attack will be met with a harsh response. The IDF stresses that the current Home Front Command safety instructions to residents of southern Israel remain in effect in light of the possibility that the rocket fire will continue as Hamas cynically seeks to ‘have the last word.’”
 — IDF Spokesperson
What will Hamas do? Hard to tell. Figure out what sanity dictates. Probably not that ...


  1. You know, I keep wondering why Israel doesn't simply assemble a battery of rockets slightly larger than the Hamas rockets targeted randomly on the Gaza Strip. When, and ONLY when, Hamas fires a rocket, Israel fires one and ONLY one back. The moral calculus would then be absolutely crystal clear.

  2. I am pretty sure many other people have wondered similarly (including me). My wife reminds me that it is probably because that is not what a civilized society would be expected to do.

    On the other hand, we have the well known dictum "an eye for an eye", which seems like an appropriate modus operandi in the land of the Old Testament. I am sure even the not so civilized societies are familiar with that calculus. I would take that a step further, however. How about "10 eyes for 1 eye". That way, when the anti-Semites start screaming "Disproportionate!", Israel could haggle with the leftist supporters of the "downtrodden" terrorists, and split-the-difference at 5 to 1.

  3. Well, considering the Hamas' charter calls for perpetual Jihad against the Jews until they are driven into the sea, I think Hamas will ...

    live peacefully with Israel and concentrate on building better schools and roads and a bridge into the 18th, err, 21st Century!

  4. Which reminds me of a joke:

    A man approaches a glamorous woman at a posh party and propositions her.

    Man: Will you spend the night with me for $1,000?
    Woman: Yes.
    Man: How about $100?
    Woman: What do you think I am?
    Man: We both know what you are. We're just haggling over the price.
