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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Meaningful work? Define "meaningful"!

New Harmony, a utopian attempt; depicted as pr...
New Harmony, a utopian attempt; depicted as proposed by Robert Owen (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A primer on economics, history, and the conflation of idealism with wishful thinking, all in a two-page blog post!

Related source » Meaningful Work: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“It was painful, for example, to see an internationally renowned scholar say that what low-income young people needed was "meaningful work." But this is a notion common among educated elites, regardless of how counterproductive its consequences may be for society at large, and for low-income youngsters especially. […] In the real world, many things are done simply because they have to be done, not because doing them brings immediate pleasure to those who do them. […] Some of our more Utopian intellectuals lament that many people work "just for the money." They do not like a society where A produces what B wants, simply in order that B will produce what A wants, with money being an intermediary device facilitating such exchanges. Some would apparently prefer a society where all-wise elites would decide what each of us "needs" or "deserves." The actual history of societies formed on that principle -- histories often stained, or even drenched, in blood -- is of little interest to those who mistake wishful thinking for idealism. At the very least, many intellectuals do not want the poor or the young to have to take "menial" jobs. […] People who lack the skills to take on more prestigious jobs can either remain idle and live as parasites on others or take the jobs for which they are currently qualified, and then move up the ladder as they acquire more experience. […] Telling young people that some jobs are "menial" is a huge disservice to them and to the whole society. Subsidizing them in idleness while they wait for "meaningful work" is just asking for trouble, both for them and for all those around them.” [emphasis added]
— Thomas Sowell, May 29, 2012 (

Thomas Sowell is a wise man. But more than that, he can express his wisdom in words that even "progressive" liberals could understand, if they were only capable of suspending temporarily their delusions of infallibility. But, as serious people the world over know all too well, they can't, not even long enough to read Thomas Sowell's post with their insufferable intolerance put on hold for a few minutes.

The liberal left's fundamental flaw is its inability to differentiate between idealism and wishful thinking. When otherwise intelligent (and, in many cases, well meaning) people imbue naturally idealistic youth with wishful thinking in the guise of idealistic goals, they condemn the gullible idealists to a lifetime of misunderstanding, dependency on government handouts (in return for their votes), and, ultimately, disappointment with their lot in life.

Among the worst aspects of our nation's education systems is that those who presume to teach the young are themselves ignorant of basic concepts, such as economics, history, ethics, law, and others, all of which concepts are necessary if one is to succeed in the real world.

Post 1,822 Meaningful work? Define "meaningful"!
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Monday, May 28, 2012

Effing Majestic Riding!

English: Guy Martin preparing for a race at th...
English: Guy Martin preparing for a race at the Isle of Man TT (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Related source » How to out run a helicopter on a GSXR 1000 Superbike by Guy Martin - YouTube: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“In the meantime 'How to out run a helicopter on a GSXR 1000 Superbike by Guy Martin'”
— Published on May 21, 2012 by redtorpedoclothing

Post 1,821 Effing Majestic Riding!
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

This Week's Best of Rule5

(Image via Theo)

Post 1,820 This Week's Best of Rule5
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Beam me up, QM …

Montgomery Scott
Scotty in Star Trek episode
"Wolf in the Fold" (Image via Wikipedia)

"Beam me up, Scotty"

Related source » European Physicists Smash Chinese Teleportation Record  - Technology Review: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Today, European physicists say they've broken the record again, this time by teleporting photons between the two Canary Islands of La Palma and Tenerife off the Atlantic coast of north Africa, a distance of almost 150 kilometres. […] These experiments are proof-of-principle runs for a much more ambitious idea — quantum teleportation to orbiting satellites. Since teleportation is the basis of more-or-less perfectly secure communication, the prize here is a global communications network that cannot be hacked, even in principle. […] The question, of course, is who will be first to orbit. The Europeans have a space agency that could be persuaded to test this idea, but they won't be in a hurry. China is currently showing great ambition in space and will want to show off its technological prowess. […] The contrast with the US couldn't be clearer.” [emphasis added]
— KFC, 05/21/2012 (

Shades of, "Beam me up, Scotty". We're not ready to teleport humans (yet!), but you have to start somewhere small, like a photon, for instance. Enter the weird reality of quantum mechanics (QM).

Today's physicists are accomplishing some feats that not that long ago were strictly science fiction. And the goals are not restricted merely to amaze, but to accomplish something as important as perfectly secure communication; secure communication "that cannot be hacked, even in principle"!

The only sad note in this quoted news-story is the observation that American physics is not part of such cutting-edge technology. Sigh …

Post 1,819 Beam me up, QM …

Sunday, May 20, 2012

No, Virginia, there is no free lunch

Francis Pharcellus Church, author of the famou...
Francis Pharcellus Church, author of the famous editorial (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

Related source » A Racial Revolution?: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Now that census data show -- for the first time in American history -- the number of white babies born exceeded by the number of babies born to non-white minorities the question is: What does this mean for the future of American society? Politically, it means that minorities who traditionally vote overwhelmingly for Democrats can ensure that the country veers ever further to the left over the years, making America more like the welfare states of Europe, whose unsustainable spending led ultimately to financial crises and widespread riots. But this is not strictly a matter of whites versus non-whites. Jews vote consistently, and almost as overwhelmingly, for Democrats as blacks do. […] A continuation of the current political tendency to take away the money required for national defense, and spend it instead on handouts that will win votes, means that our enemies around the world will have golden opportunities at our expense. […] Demography is not destiny. But the history of Balkanized and polarized societies in the 20th century is a history of horrors that we dare not ignore. […] But that is the direction in which we are headed, under the spell of magic words like "multiculturalism" and "diversity," which have become substitutes for thoughts, even among those who pride themselves on being "thinking people." Our whole educational system, from the elementary schools to the universities, is permeated with ideologies of group grievances and resentments, painting each group into the corner of its own separate subculture, instead of drawing them into the mainstream of the American culture that made this the greatest nation on earth.”
— Thomas Sowell, May 19, 2012 (

Yes, Virginia, there is a crystal ball. If you want to glimpse America's future, just look at what is happening in the European Union (EU), the failed economic model, which the liberal left wants to impose on the United States.

If you want more than a glimpse, consider that if Obama, et al., succeed in changing America "fundamentally", as Obama has pledged to do, the future will be much grimmer than the current unraveling of the EU is projected to be. The reason this is so is quite simple: in the future, when the United States, as reshaped by the liberal left, begins to unravel as the EU is doing today, there will not be the good ol' USA around to come to our rescue.

When the lights begin to dim for America, it's over. Then the vultures of medieval thinking will descend on what's left of our once great nation. This is no idle threat, nor is it the kind of scaremongering we have come to expect from the likes of Al Gore, Michael Moore, and all the usual charlatans. This is the well-considered sober projection of very intelligent people like Thomas Sowell, who happens to be African-American (not that that should make any difference, but it does in our politically-correct multicultural straight-jacket imposed by the effete liberal-left elite).

No, Virginia, there is no free lunch. There is only the illusion of free lunch on the journey straight to hell.

The only thing that's free is the hand basket.

Post 1,818 No, Virginia, there is no free lunch
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Friday, May 18, 2012

Color It Green

What color is Jew-hatred?

Eugène Delacroix - Jacob Wrestling with the An...
Eugène Delacroix - Jacob Wrestling with the Angel (detail) - WGA06221 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Related source » Will The Jews Stop At Nothing???? (Or: Why “Islamic University” is an Oxymoron): 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“It must burn when the backward, primitive, gynophobic Islamists look at Israel, a garden in the desert, home to an outrageously disproportionate number of scientific Nobelists, first-rank universities, advanced technology companies, high living standards and exceptional quality of life, scratched out of a neighborhood rife with fanatical, atavistic mass murderers. A tiny country, apparently blessed by God. Oh, how it must burn.”
— Secular Apostate, May 17th, 2012 (

Ever since God made His covenant with Abraham, reaffirming it with Abraham's son Isaac and with Isaac's son Jacob, the morons of the world have delighted in Jew-hatred. The reason is quite simple — green envy.

Those crafty Jews; they simply won't go away. They persevere. They strive for more life. That was the life lesson passed down to them from their patriarch Jacob, who came to be known as "Israel", after wrestling with the Angel for more life. The Jews have been battling envious Jew-haters ever since.

"Wherefore the envy?", one might ask. After all, God's chosen people have endured interminable struggles against murderous hatred for millennia. The specific envies vary among the hateful murderers, but the common denominator has always been the Jews' ability to persevere and despite all odds, to flourish.

The State of Israel is the single shining oasis of industry, morality, ethics, devotion to learning, creativity, and above all survival, in that green cesspool of backwardness, hatefulness, and murderous envy in the environs known as the Middle East.

Yes, dear reader; it is that simple.

Obama and Liberal-Left Americans Support Jew-hating Palestinian Murderers

   (Video via Theo)      Long live the State of Israel   [↔]   תחי מדינת ישראל

Post 1,817 Color It Green
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's the difference between Obama and Brando?

Brando didn't think he was Obama.

Marlon Brando as Stanley Kowalski and Kim Hunter as Stella Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire (1951 film)
"Hey, STELLA!"        (Image via

Image via Theo

Post 1,816 What's the difference between Obama and Brando?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Fwench — they march to a different drummer

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”
— Walden by Henry David Thoreau

President of France: François Gérard Georges Nicolas Hollande
"Where does the time go?"     (Image via Theo)

"Quelqu'un m'aider; je ne trouve pas ma tête!"

Post 1,815 The Fwench — they march to a different drummer

Stop the hypocrisy!

YOUNGSTOWN, OH - MARCH 05:  Supporters of U.S....
YOUNGSTOWN, OH - MARCH 05: Supporters of U.S. President Barack Obama protest outside of a campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at Taylor Winfield on March 5, 2012 in Youngstown, Ohio. With one day to go before Super Tuesday, Mitt Romney is making one final push through Ohio. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

Sticks, stones, glass houses, cretins, and no-class, man …

Boy, does that guy suck.”

Related source » Hope n' Change Cartoons: Throw On Another Stake: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.] h/t Theo

“Like all of us, Barack "Slow Jammin' da News" Obama is concerned about the lack of seriousness and substance in today's news media, when there are so many important, complex, and critical issues the nation must consider. Which is why he gave a speech at the all-female Barnard College, telling the liberalettes in the audience that they shouldn't believe all the media reports about ugly politics, gridlocked legislators, job losses, and other entirely-accurate updates on his administration. "Every day," he moaned, "you receive a steady stream of sensationalism and scandal." Fortunately, Mr. Obama himself immediately went into action to raise the bar on journalistic substance and integrity by releasing a campaign attack ad which attacked Mitt Romney as being "like a vampire." And not the kind that glitters in the sunlight and makes all the teen girls swoon. NOoooo, Romney is the kind of vampire who sweeps into hardworking little towns, throws back his cape, and sucks the blood out of Walmart shoppers and leaves their bodies as dried, dessicated little shells on their own windowsills. […] Frankly, Hope n' Change isn't quite ready to declare Obama a media vampire … but we will say that whenever he gets in front of a camera … boy, does that guy suck.”
— Stilton Jarlsberg, May 16, 2012 (

There's no dearth of hypocrisy; where's the outrage? We have become so blasé about outrageous behavior that nothing seems to faze anyone anymore.

What a disgusting society we live in. Occupiers defecate on police cars and it is as likely to elicit applause as condemnation. The President promotes racial strife with his biased premature pronouncements, and half the country applauds his bigotry and disingenuousness. He routinely insults our intelligence, and the media loves him for it. And the so-called "little people" just can't get enough free lunch.

What a revolting development this hopey-dopey pathology has dumped on us.

Post 1,814 Stop the hypocrisy!
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thanks for the Mammary

Related source » The Gay Preezy and His Main Squeezy: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“This picture is worth, at minimum, one thousand words. Maybe more (see Henri LeGrand for exact figures).”
— Secular Apostate, May 15, 2012 (

Screenshot of Secular Apostate's 5/15/2012 post:
"The Gay Preezy and His Main Squeezy"

“Thanks, Mr. President
For all the things you've done
The battles that you've won
We thank you so much.”
— Marilyn Monroe's parody of "Thanks for the Memory," sung to President John F. Kennedy in 1962.

Thanks for the hat tip, mon ami.

Post 1,813 Thanks for the Mammary
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Photons at the End of the Quantum Tunnel

Simulation of quantum complexity — simplified (a bit)

An example of Tunnel Effect - The evolution of...
An example of Tunnel Effect - The evolution of the wave function of an electron through a potential barrier (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Related source » First Simulation Of Quantum Tunnelling On A Quantum Computer: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“The exploitation of quantum weirdness for computing is one of the great goals of modern physics. It's promise is dramatic for a wide range of number-crunching tasks. But quantum computers have another trick up their sleeves, which is sometimes forgotten — the ability to simulate other quantum systems. Physicists have already shown how quantum computers of various types can simulate phenomen[a], such as quantum phase transitions and the dynamics of entanglement — things that classical computers simply cannot handle. There is one quantum phenomenon, however, that has never been simulated — tunnelling. This is the ability of quantum particles to cross a barrier without seeming to have passed through it. There's no reason, in principle, why quantum computers can't simulate tunnelling. The problem is the complexity of the task. […] Earlier this year, however, Andrew Sornborger at the University of Georgia in Athens showed how the case of a single particle tunnelling through a barrier could be made simple enough to simulate on today's quantum computers. Such a demonstration would be the first example of a digital quantum simulation. And today, Guan Ru Feng and pals at Tsinghua University in Beijing say they've done it. […] That should open the floodgates for more digital quantum simulations in [the] future.” [emphasis added]
— Technology Review (KFC), 05/15/2012 (

The deeper we probe the quantum physics (sub-atomic) regime the more fascinating are the counter-intuitive phenomena encountered. The exemplar of such mind-boggling weirdness has been quantum tunnelling, wherein a particle, such as an electron, quantum-mechanically tunnels through an energy-potential barrier, which it seemingly could not surmount, according to classical physics.

The pioneers of the theory of quantum mechanics (Planck, Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, et al.) were able to formulate the theory of quantum mechanics via classical techniques of theoretical and experimental physics, in the first half of the twentieth century. But mathematics and classical physics required a major innovation for the successful completion of the Manhattan Project (Oppenheimer, von Neumann, Ulam, Fermi, Feynman, Rabi, and many other American greats of 20th-century physics and mathematics) that ushered in the age of nuclear power. That innovation was digital-computer simulation. By the dawn of the third millennium, a veritable explosion of scientific findings has been accomplished with the aid of computer simulation techniques, notably via Monte Carlo simulation, the brain-child of von Neumann and Ulam at Los Alamos National Laboratory, in the early 1940s.

Once again, however, mathematical-physics research is pushing the envelope of complexity shrouding quantum reality. And, once again, another innovation aims to tunnel through that shroud — quantum computing itself for the simulation of other quantum systems!

Human ingenuity boggles this human's mind …

Post 1,812 Photons at the End of the Quantum Tunnel
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

California — the Canary in America's Coal Mine

Image via

Animal Sentinels

Detection of toxic gases:

“The classic example of animals serving as sentinels is the "canary in the coal mine". Well into the 20th century, coal miners in the United Kingdom and the United States brought canaries into coal mines as an early-warning signal for toxic gases […] ”
— From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Related source » California budget deficit has swelled to $16 billion, governor says: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California's budget deficit has swelled to a projected $16 billion — much larger than had been predicted just months ago -- and will force severe cuts to schools and public safety if voters fail to approve tax increases in November, Gov. Jerry Brown said Saturday.”
— Published May 13, 2012 (Associated Press)

Related source » Works and Days » Change—and Some Hope: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“In the last few months some disturbing statistics made the news about California. We now have about nine million residents who were not born in the U.S — or one of every four Californians. In recent public school science-testing, California school students ranked 47th in the nation. That’s the scientific reality beneath the thin tony veneer of Apple, Facebook, and Google elites. And of the last ten million persons added to California’s population, seven million of them are now on Medicaid. In that same last twenty years the number of new tax filers (150,000) was almost matched by the number of new prison inmates (115,000). […] Now and then, you can almost catch glimpses of greatness again. Were the borders to close, were integration and assimilation to catch up, were we to unleash the entrepreneurs in farming, oil, and minerals, then these isolated spots of prosperity would spread and turn the desert green. Even a Jerry Brown, the California legislature, the Berkeley professor, or the Santa Cruz activist could not stop the prosperity. […] [Obama] has framed the 2012 election as a conflict of visions unlike any of our time. It’s our choice now, no excuses, no one left to blame. Change is coming, and with it, hope. This week I saw a ray of sunshine amid the clouds.”
— Victor Davis Hanson, May 12, 2012 (

My fellow Americans — wake up and smell the gas of toxic liberalism! On November 6, 2012, vote the liberal bums out, before California's "progressive" toxicity infects the entire Nation.

Post 1,811 California — the Canary in America's Coal Mine

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Leadership of a Nation

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 05:  Israeli Prime Mini...
Benjamin Netanyahu addresses AIPAC's policy conference March 5, 2012 in Washington, DC. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 04:  U.S. President Bar...
Barack Obama addresses AIPAC's policy conference March 4, 2012 in Washington, DC. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

Contrasting Leadership Styles

Related source » Echoes of ‘67: Israel unites: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“What does change is Israel’s position vis-a-vis Iran. The wall-to-wall coalition demonstrates Israel’s political readiness to attack, if necessary. (Its military readiness is not in doubt.) Those counseling Israeli submission, resignation or just endless patience can no longer dismiss Israel’s tough stance as the work of irredeemable right-wingers. Not with a government now representing 78 percent of the country. Netanyahu forfeited September elections that would have given him four more years in power. He chose instead to form a national coalition that guarantees 18 months of stability — 18 months during which, if the world does not act (whether by diplomacy or otherwise) to stop Iran, Israel will. And it will not be the work of one man, one party or one ideological faction. As in 1967, it will be the work of a nation.”
— Charles Krauthammer, May 10, 2012 (

One man of action. Another man of words. One man acting to preserve, protect and defend the State of Israel. Another man pledged to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. National leadership in action. National leadership in theory.

The leader of a nation. A part-time community organizer, full-time campaign fundraiser, and anytime amateur golfer.

Any questions?

Post 1,810 The Leadership of a Nation
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This Week's Best of Rule5

"Jane" (Image via Русское фотосообщество №1)

Post 1,809 This Week's Best of Rule5
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Unstable Equilibrium

That can't be good …

"Giddyup!"                                                         (Image via Theo)
Post 1,808 Unstable Equilibrium

The Contemptible Black Hole of Leftist Indecency

"Have you no sense of decency [madam], at long last?
Have you left no sense of decency?"

 Simulated Black Hole (Image via Wikipedia
Related source » So Funny, When Feminism Thinks The Unborn Should Die : The Other McCain: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.] h/t WyBlog

“The sickness of the government-worship implied in this clip is only exceeded by the crypto-incest of talking about their dads and their vaginas at the end, if you can make it that far. […] And why was such an addendum unnecessary? Because a couple thousand years ago, people weren’t post-Modern crack-addled Feminist nitwits, that’s why.”
— Posted on May 8, 2012 by Smitty (

Republicans, Get In My Vagina!

There's contempt. There's beneath contempt. That vid is beneath contempt.

Post 1,807 The Contemptible Black Hole of Leftist Indecency

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gloomy Sunday

Blue Moon

Image via
Related source » Works and Days » All Fall Down: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“In short, liberalism does not work, contrary as it is to human nature. I wish I could just say that about every thirty years or so, forgetful Americans take an allergy shot of it, suffer the reaction, and then get another three decades of Carter/Obama immunity. But instead statist redistribution and intrusion are an insidious process, no longer specific just to Democrats, but bound up in the growing affluence and leisure of the West—both serving its twin needs of alleviating guilt to the masses, subsidizing half the nation, and providing much envied power and lucre to a highly educated and technocratic elite who have little talent for acquiring either in the private sector. That it is not sustainable does not mean that it will not cause havoc as it totters and collapses. Look at Russia and Eastern Europe circa 1989, or the present-day EU, or Greece proper, or California or Illinois today.”
— Victor Davis Hanson, May 6, 2012 (

Back in the day (more than a decade ago), my least favorite day of the week was, of course, blue Monday — the start of the work week (for working stiffs). And a very close second was gloomy Sunday, a warm-up for blue Monday. Don't get me wrong, however, I really liked my job. Nevertheless, it was a job. Retirement is like being on permanent vacation, which, all things being equal, is better. Ask Michelle Obama.

A couple of the really nice benefits of retirement (though being a senior is not all fun and games) is that you forget what day of the week it is. Also, your wristwatch assumes its rightful role as your primary piece of jewelry (besides your wedding ring).

But, despite all these nice things, there are always those who will rain on your parade. Take Mr. Obama — please! If we allow this guy another shot at ruination, nothing else will matter.

Don't forget to check out that lunar perigee. Have a nice day ...


Post 1,806 Gloomy Sunday
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Friday, May 4, 2012

Heeeeere's Julia!

"Phat Future" Image via Chris Muir's Day by Day Cartoon for May 6, 2012

The following are two of the scariest horror movies of all time:

  1. The Shining
    Jack Nicholson
    Jack Nicholson (Image via
  2. The Life Of Julia - YouTube
    Related source » The Life Of Julia - YouTube: 'via Blog this'
    [This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

    “Don't believe Obama; Julia/Julian did not really live a happy-go-lucky life at all.”
    — Published on May 4, 2012 by misfitpolitics

Post 1,805 Heeeeere's Julia!
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Schadenfreude — what a rush!

D'you wan' snark widdat?

Image representing New York Times as depicted ...
Image via CrunchBase
Related source » WyBlog -- Dozens just laid off at The New York Times - lawyers, minorities hardest hit: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“I love the smell of schadenfreude on a Friday afternoon… Yes, amazingly enough, printing nothing but Obama White House propaganda does not actually result in any jobs created or saved. A Real Newspaper might want to report on a story like that.”
— Chris Wysocki, 04 May 2012 (

Chris Wysocki at his best is the crème de la crème of in-your-face snark.

Today, he brings to our attention a minor story at the Grey Hag fish-wrap, which, amazingly, was not considered part of "All the News That's Fit to Print."

Imagine my surprise ...

Post 1,804 Schadenfreude — what a rush!
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This time, "no more Mr. Nice Guy"!

Related source » This Time… The Jews Have Nuclear Weapons « Secular Apostate: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“If there is a Hell, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is rotting in it.”
— The Apostate, May 2nd, 2012 (

My friend The Apostate is not in the habit of pulling his punches.

If you like your commonsense served-up unvarnished, albeit always well-considered and frequently in a humorous vein, do like I do and check out his blog on a regular basis.

Post 1,803 This time, "no more Mr. Nice Guy"!
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