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Monday, June 15, 2009

People ask TheBigHenry ...

People ask:
Dear TheBigHenry,

I voted for President Obama because he seemed like a nice man, he spoke so sincerely, and he promised to make the world a happy place. I just wanted everything to be Okey Dokey, but now I see that it's not that easy, you know? I mean, there is so much shit out there in the big bad world; and hopey dopey just doesn't seem to work the way The Obaminator promised, you know? So, what do I do now?

“Confused and Concerned”
Dear ConCon,

The first thing to do is congratulate yourself for coming to your senses, albeit a little late. But, and I'm sure you've heard it before, better late than never; because, you know, never is a very long time.

Here is what you should do until the next Presidential election:
  1. Grow up. Since you voted in the last election, presumably having been legitimately registered first, disabuse yourself of childish notions like the tooth fairy and free lunch. They don't exist in this universe. Moreover, if it sounds too good to be true, it's false. Those are the only choices in that multiple choice. And those princely dudes in Nigeria who are dying to give you millions of dollars if you just give them your bank account number? They want to steal all the money that is already in your account.
  2. Get a life. For god's sake, don't expect the government to take care of you. The government's job is to provide its citizenry the kinds of services that only the government is powerful enough to do, like defend our country from our enemies. Ordinary expenses for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, health care, etc., are your own responsibility. I understand that very few people can cope with catastrophic medical expenses. That is why god invented insurance against catastrophic losses, and those premiums are also your own responsibility, just like car-insurance premiums against catastrophic losses stemming from accidents.
  3. Learn to think for yourself. Don't expect people like Rush Limbaugh, Teeth D'Olbermann, and David Letterman to tell you what is best for you. They have personal agendas that do not, I repeat, do not include giving a shit about your problems. Gather information from a variety of sources; read some books; try to understand what the major issues mean for you and for your country. Then decide what you think the right thing to do is. You can't do any worse than being a sheep.
  4. Learn the basics of personal finance. In this country, money talks; nobody walks. Learn how to make, spend wisely, save, and invest money. Millions of people have learned how to do it (even some in France). Plan for your retirement; it's later than you think.
  5. If you must have a fetish, and most people do, find one that isn't too expensive, unless you are Jay Leno, in which case it's still obscene to own more than a hundred cars.
  6. Think. The brain is your friend. The politician is not; (s)he just wants your vote.
  7. Strive for more life. And give some thought to what is best for your country, not just about your own petty little desires.
Best wishes,

Post #796 People ask TheBigHenry ...


  1. I stumbled upon your blog from Normblog - congrats on 15,000 unique visitors! I did chuckle when reading this post; I do like what I think are your politics.

    You might appreciate this little write-up I did once of Lincoln's Second Inaugural.

  2. Thanx, Ashok. I have subscribed to your blog feed. I figure anyone who can chuckle at some of the things that I find amusing, and also happens to be a Pisces, must have some interesting things to say.

  3. No problem. Am adding you to the blogroll at - I don't think this will be a good month for blogging, but there's plenty of Lincoln in the archives.

  4. Can never have too much Lincoln ...
