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Friday, September 30, 2011

Major brass!

Related source » INCREDIBLE: Jeb Corliss wingsuit skydiver flies through mountain cave
via Blog this [This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Human glider Jeb Corliss jumps from a chopper, then flies through a hole in the side of a mountain in China.”
— Published on Sep 24, 2011 by itnnews

One of the comments for this vid says it best:
I'm amazed how his balls could fit through that hole! — geppegep
Post 1,713 Major brass!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Land of the Free and Home of the Crazy?

The outer skin of World Trade Center Tower Two...Image via Wikipedia
Related source » Journalism Class That Urges 'Context' In Reporting On Jihad Misses Point: Motive Matters
via Blog this
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“And I learned, among other fairly uncontroversial facts about what has been among the world’s fastest growing religions, that while approximately 3,000 people were killed on 9/11, approximately 15,000 people in the U.S. are murdered each year. I also learned that in most years, “jihad organizations” have accounted for “well under 1 percent” of the half million people who are murdered annually. At its “peak” – of what, University doesn’t tell us– the jihad groups have accounted for under 2 percent of the toll. […] The point of the class seems clear, as MRC [the conservative Media Research Center] argues: to downplay “the impact and importance” of “jihad” and the challenge of terrorism and Islamist terrorism, in particular. Those who follow a violent and perverse interpretation of this pillar of Islam may be a tiny minority, but they have changed our nation’s policies, and arguably, its history. But there is no way to know that either from this insipid list of platitudes about one of the world’s largest and most influential monotheisms. This is a course in political correctness for reporters assigned to cover Islam in America who have slept through the past decade. It is unworthy of Poynter.”
— By Judith Miller, September 29, 2011 (

Is there no end to the lunacy of the left? Seriously, when do ordinary people who do not subscribe to a self-loathing philosophy, one that must subject itself to extreme contortions to exonerate murderous bastards who want to kill us all, finally say, "Enough already! If you must be a supplicant to the blasphemy of inviting self-destruction, please have the decency to congregate elsewhere. The rest of us want to continue to lead healthy and productive lives for as long as we can."

There is no accounting for the left's sadomasochistic tendencies, but at least that tendency has been around for a long time. The left just wants to wallow in it, and so they shall, for this is still a free country. But what they are not entitled to do is impose their self-loathing lunacy on the majority of Americans who want to exercise their god-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. None of these choices include a desire for self-destruction.

So why do we continue to abide the crazies? Why do we ascribe to political correctness the willingness to stand by while the crazies try all manner of self-destructive behavior for the Nation as a whole? Where is it written that political correctness trumps rationality? If the crazies want to self-destruct then let them do it on their own dime. I am not obliged to submit to their inclinations anymore than they are obliged to submit to mine. Hence, our civilization requires that their craziness is not allowed to encroach on my desire for sanity. They must not be allowed to run roughshod over my space.

Post 1,712 Land of the Free and Home of the Crazy?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Third Alternative

Related source » Day by Day Cartoon Archives: via Blog this
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
— by Chris Muir :: September 28, 2011 (

Jesus … Saves

Moses Pleading with Israel, as in Deuteronomy ...Image via Wikipedia
 Moses … Invests

Post 1,711 The Third Alternative

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jet Men

There's flying; and, then, there's FLYING!

Related source » Jetman Flight at Grand Canyon West
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.] h/t Malcolm Pollack

“In May 2011, Jetman achieved a beautiful and memorable flight in the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA... and here's the official souvenir video! Many thanks to all who were involved in that adventure!”
— Uploaded by jetmanofficial on Jul 9, 2011 (

Here's another Jet Man, flying high at Central Park in 1980:

Post 1,710 Jet Men

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This Week's Best of Rule 5

 Модель: Настя via

Post 1,709 This Week's Best of Rule 5

Friday, September 23, 2011

Progressive Zombies

Institutionalized fanatic ignorance — today's liberal arts education

The Prisoner of Zenda
by Anthony Hope
(from Wikipedia)
Related source » Press Man: The Prisoner of Zandi via Blog this
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.] h/t Newmark's Door

“Here’s how the go-to guy works. Let’s say you’re a reporter on a deadline and you need a quote right this minute […] If it’s the economy you’re writing about, [your go-to guy is] Mark Zandi. He has all the qualities that go into making a go-to guy of the very first rank. He is fluent on television and keeps his sentences short. His demeanor is pleasant. He uses the word “narrative” with abandon—“narrative” being the hottest word in journalism since “transparency”; it’s this year’s “accountability.” And he’s a liberal. All go-to guys are liberals. They can’t be identified as such, lest their authority as disinterested observers be undermined and the reader or viewer begin to get ideas. Ideological fuzziness is good; ideological hermaphroditism is better. […] In economics, Zandi is capable of meeting all of a reporter’s go-to-guy needs, so the trade has been careful in obscuring his liberalism. He is a registered Democrat, as he freely admits when asked. But he’s seldom asked. The key to his indispensability is that he once—once—did some work for a Republican. […] The job of the go-to guy transcends accuracy. It is instead to confirm the circular reasoning that underlies so much of modern liberalism. A stimulus will create jobs because that’s what a stimulus does. In a budget standoff, Republicans and not Democrats are stubborn and unyielding, because stubborn and unyielding is how Republicans are. […] Ask Mark Zandi […]”
— Andrew Ferguson, September 2011 (

There you have it, boys and girls — the making of well-rounded progressive zombies, especially on America's regimented liberal campuses. The best and the brightest are groomed (creamed?) by their bigoted professors, who make no distinction between their course syllabuses and their personal political agendas.

It's a high-stakes industrial-strength indoctrination system, perfected by Joe Stalin: Say it with authority; say it with panache; say it often. The bright-eyed uninitiated darlings of their parents' hopes and dreams (and vast sums of money) will lap it up, because the professors are infallible and unbiased, don't you know? Indoctrinate them before they learn critical thinking and before they realize the benefits of keeping an open mind for dissenting views.

The unethical behavior of professors who assert their biased views and present them as facts to their captive audience of naive youth is reprehensible. I doubt, however, that most of these professors see it as anything other than their privilege to do so.

Post 1,708 Progressive Zombies

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This … Could … Go … All … the … Way!

Schematic of the von Neumann architecture. The...Image via Wikipedia


Related source » Implementing the Quantum von Neumann Architecture with Superconducting Circuits: via Blog this
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“The von Neumann architecture for a classical computer comprises a central processing unit and a memory holding instructions and data. We demonstrate a quantum central processing unit that exchanges data with a quantum random-access memory integrated on a chip, with instructions stored on a classical computer. […] Our results, in combination especially with longer qubit coherence, illustrate a potentially viable approach to factoring numbers and implementing simple quantum error correction codes.”
— Matteo Mariantoni, et al, Submitted on 17 Sep 2011 (

I never thought I would stoop to quoting two half-assed Chris's ("BACK" Berman and "Tingles" Matthews) in a single post, but the referenced proof-of-principle study for quantum computing sends tingles "… up my leg"!

I don't know much about quantum computing (for that I would refer you to David Deutsch), but illustrating the potential for "simple quantum error correction codes" is, I believe, a very big step toward scaling-up to full-blown quantum computing. It's this type of creativity that really puts a smile on my face, despite the dismal socioeconomic shitstorm we are continually bombarded with (thanks to our hopey-dopey administration's responses to what ails us all).

Let's hear it for the best and the brightest, who ignore the growing idiocracy surrounding us, and who continue searching for ever better explanations to meet humanity's needs.

You go guys and gals!

Post 1,707 This … Could … Go … All … the … Way!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Scientific Computation: Best Game, Ever!

FolditImage via Wikipedia
Related source » U.S. Gamers Crack Puzzle In AIDS Research That Stumped Scientists For Years | Fox News: 'via Blog this' [This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“In just three weeks, online gamers deciphered the structure of a retrovirus protein that has stumped scientists for over a decade, and a study out Sunday says their breakthrough opens doors for a new AIDS drug design. […] Looking for a solution, researchers at the University of Washington turned to Foldit, a program created by the university a few years ago that transforms problems of science into competitive computer games, and challenged players to use their three-dimensional problem-solving skills to build accurate models of the protein. With[in] days, the gamers generated models good enough for the researchers to refine into an accurate portrayal of the enzyme's structure. What's more, the scientists identified parts of the molecule that are likely targets for drugs to block the enzyme.”
— Published September 19, 2011 (

What a creative approach towards solving one of the great problems that has plagued humanity for more than three decades! As David Deutsch explains in his wonderful new book:
“Indeed, the fall of tyranny is never enough. The sustained creation of knowledge depends also on the presence of certain kinds of idea, particularly optimism, and an associated tradition of criticism. There would have to be social and political institutions that incorporated and protected such traditions: a society in which some degree of dissent and deviation from the norm was tolerated, and whose educational practices did not entirely extinguish creativity. None of that is trivially achieved. Western civilization is the current consequence of achieving it […]”
— David Deutsch, The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World
All doomsday predictions neglect to account properly for unforeseen solutions, solutions that do not violate the laws of physics. People are universal explainers. Progress always brings with it new problems, but this is not a rational reason for choosing stasis. Every static society in history (including prehistory) has been doomed by stasis-mandated ignorance. So-called "peak oil" alarms calling for some sort of rationing strategy, for example, are nothing more than submission to stasis, eventual decline, and ultimate disaster.

As Deutsch summarizes at the close of his book:
“Many people have an aversion to infinity of various kinds. But there are some things that we do not have a choice about. There is only one way of thinking that is capable of making progress, or of surviving in the long run, and that is the way of seeking good explanations through creativity and criticism. What lies ahead of us is in any case infinity. All we can choose is whether it is an infinity of ignorance or of knowledge, wrong or right, death or life.”
— David Deutsch, The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World
My own choices are knowledge, right, and life. Every rational person should make those choices. I can not think of a better explanation for that elusive meaning of life itself.

Post 1,706 Scientific Computation: Best Game, Ever!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Whole Ball of Wax

The apotheosis of Jewish self-loathing

Henry Waxman, member of the United States Cong...Image via Wikipedia
Related source » The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Waxman Blames Rich Jews!
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.] h/t CN

“In what has got to be a prizewinning display of that peculiar skill that consists of joining chutzpah with execrable taste, California's Henry Waxman, a leading liberal, blames the loss of one of the safest Democratic seats in Congress on rich Jews. […] It does not strike [Waxman], perhaps, that voters might not want to be represented by a party that embraces sex maniacs and that is perceived as down on Israel.. […] Irving Kristol noted long ago that for all manners of historical and sentimental reasons, the Jews seem to be the only group -- if such they still are -- in America that votes against its own interests, and he reproached them for it. In a recent book [Why Are Jews Liberals?] Norman Podhoretz made the same case at somewhat greater length. […] Rep. Waxman, who represents California's 30th Congressional District, which includes Santa Monica, Malibu, Beverly Hills, and a few other proletarian neighborhoods, perhaps liked it that way because so long as Jews vote against their own best interests, they will elect the likes of Henry Waxman.”
— By ROGER KAPLAN on 9.16.11 (

He's the complete package — everything that people look for in a schmuck. In the section on Jewish identity of his Wikipedia biographical entry he is described, in part, as follows:
Waxman is proud of his "strong Jewish identity" and has drawn political conclusions from his exploration of the religion. "Judaism is about acting and doing the right thing, not simply believing in it or mindlessly following ritual," he said in a speech presented by the University of Southern California's Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life. Waxman said he applies Jewish ethical values to his congressional service. [emphasis added]
So Waxman may think he acts in accordance with a "strong Jewish identity". But self-loathing was never part of Jewish dogma. I'm not a scholar of Jewish philosophy, but my basic understanding is that Judaism prescribes self-preservation, not self-loathing, as an imperative that even trumps religious observance. This is what Egypt miscalculated when it attacked Israel on Yom Kippur in 1973. Although Israel was surprised by the attack, the fact that it occurred on its holiest of days did not alter significantly Israel's defensive response. Only the intervention of the superpowers prevented Arial Sharon's army from demolishing the Egyptian army they had surrounded near the Suez.

Waxman and his supporters are an anachronism. Their mindset is stuck in pre-1948 thinking. They hope to win favor from Jew-haters by ingratiating themselves to their execrable intentions. There is no honor in and surely little admiration for anyone who turns on his or her own in return for an extra piece of bread or an extra vote. Even the Nazis eventually incinerated those Jews who disposed of gassed bodies in the ovens at Auschwitz.

Post 1,705 The Whole Ball of Wax

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friends, Juice, countrymen, lend me your tears

I come to unseat Obama, not to praise him

WASHINGTON - MAY 20:  U.S. President Barack Ob...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Related source » Jewish Support for Obama Down, but Not Disproportionately
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“There is little sign that President Obama is suffering disproportionately in support among Jews; 54% approved of his job performance from Aug. 1-Sept. 15, 13 percentage points higher than his overall 41% approval rating during that time, and similar to the average 14-point gap seen throughout Obama's term.”
— by Frank Newport, September 16, 2011 (

My fellow Jewish-American voters, what in the world are you thinking? How much more of the travesty euphemistically known as the Obama Administration do you need to have shoved down your collective throat to acknowledge that you have perpetrated the most self-destructive policy upon our people since that of the despicable Jimmy Carter? Jewish people, taken as a demographic whole, are supposed to be intelligent. Since when has self-inflicted punishment become the intelligent thing to do?

Barack Obama is a no-good-nick. He tells you what you want to hear in order to get your vote and financial support, but then blatantly acts against your best interests, most importantly against the State of Israel in its existential struggle against murderous Islamofascism, which is devoted to its single unifying cause — wiping the Jewish people off the face of the Earth. Have you already forgotten this was precisely what the Nazis tried to do?

The Nazis failed because of the great efforts by the Western Allies and the willingness of the Russian People to suffer death and destruction in unprecedented numbers. The vast majority of these sacrifices, however, were not made specifically in defense of the survival of Jewish people. They were made for the survival of Western civilization and the Russian people, respectively. It was the great good fortune of Holocaust survivors that those sacrifices were, nevertheless, made.

Today, the only defense for Jewish people is provided by the IDF of the State of Israel, and the good will of the ordinary good people of the United States. The rest of the world either wants to exterminate Jews or it just doesn't give a damn what happens to them. Obama has unambiguously demonstrated that he is not one of the good people of the United States. Why would you even consider supporting him?

Post 1,704 Friends, Juice, countrymen, lend me your tears

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This Week's Best of Rule 5

 Ludmila via

Post 1,703 This Week's Best of Rule 5

Monday, September 12, 2011

Can't see the forest …

It's the vision thing, stupid.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Deadliest Day in American History since Antietam

 Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862

Battle of Antietam, specifically, the charge o...Image via Wikipedia
Related source » George W. Bush Presidential Center
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“Ten years ago, the sun rose on a peaceful September morning. By the time it set, nearly three thousand people were gone – the most lives lost on American soil in a single day since the Battle of Antietam.”
— President George W. Bush

“I can hear you. I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you.
And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.”

Never again.

Post 1,701 The Deadliest Day in American History since Antietam

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Regression to the Meaningless

AKA Reductio ad absurdum

Obama BidenImage by safoocat via Flickr
Related source » Two Different Worlds - Thomas Sowell - Townhall Conservative
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“What kind of world do we want -- one in which everyone works to increase wealth to whatever extent they can, or a world in which everyone will be supported by either government handouts or private philanthropy, whether they work or don't work? It is not an abstract question. We can already see the consequences on both sides of the Atlantic. Those who have grown used to having others provide their food, shelter and other basics as "rights" are by no means grateful. On the contrary, they are more angry, lawless and violent than in years past, whether they are lower-class whites rioting in Britain or black "flash mobs" in America. Their histories are very different, but what they have in common is being supplied with a steady drumbeat of resentments against those who are better off. Politicians, intellectuals and whole armies of caretaker bureaucrats are among those who benefit, in one way or another, from picturing parasites as victims, and their lags behind the rest of society as reasons for anger rather than achievement. Leading people into the blind alley of dependency and grievances may be counterproductive for them but it can produce votes, money, power, fame and a sense of exaltation to others who portray themselves as friends of the downtrodden. Both private philanthropy and the taxpayers' money support this whole edifice of a make-believe world, where largesse replaces achievement and "rights" replace work.”
— Thomas Sowell, 9/6/2011 (

As an antidote to the nausea-inducing piece of mindless video-dreck (see my post titled "Capitalism Unwound", below) try the soothing sensible words of Thomas Sowell (above). Both the video-rant and the sensible words have been uttered by African Americans, so spare me the obligatory charges of racism. These two individuals share racial characteristics, but in the realm of cognition they are members of different species.

Somebody please give that America-hating woman ("Americans are mindless robots under capitalism") a ticket to Africa, where she claims she wouldn't have to work for food, clothing, shelter, land, and a 50" flat-screen TV ("Land is supposed to be free"). But if you do give her a ticket, make sure she uses it to leave this country that "enslaves her to a job". Otherwise, I have a sneaking suspicion she would find a way to cash it in for a trip to Disney's Fantasy World.

The Obama-Biden-Pelosi wing of leftist "progressives" have brought about some of the most florid idiocracy ever contrived in fact or fiction. This troika of so-called Congressional stalwarts have succeeded in regressing bat-shit crazy to meaningless dreck. It is a wonder to behold.

Post 1,700 Regression to the Meaningless

Monday, September 5, 2011

Capitalism Unwound

The word "staggering" comes to mind.
Related source » Happy Labor Day From The Left (
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

Post 1,699 Capitalism Unwound

Sunday, September 4, 2011

This Week's Best of Rule 5

 Paris via

Post 1,698 This Week's Best of Rule 5