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[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“Rahm Emanuel, speaking to President Obama at his departure announcement today, said: “I want to thank you for being the toughest leader any country could ask for in the toughest times any president has ever faced.” Really? The toughest times any president has ever faced? Tougher than the times Lincoln faced? Washington? FDR? Truman? Reagan? And the toughest leader any country could ask for? Yeah?”
— Yuval Levin, Oct. 1, 2010 (
Wow, did Rahm "It Up Your Ass" Emanuel actually say this? Yeah, he did. I watched the clip on TV when my jaw hit the floor (and I was standing at the time).
I assumed all along that it took a lot of brown-nosing from lackeys to swell the humongous head of The Obama Himself. But this kind of horseshit is above and beyond the call of doodie.
How does a so-called "tough guy" like "Rahm It" survive a wuss remark like that, and on national TV no less? And this guy is running for mayor of Chi-town? They'll eat his lunch for breakfast.
Even Blago has more class than this twerp.
Post 1,436 Break Me a Fecking Give
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