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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You can put lipstick on a pig, but ...

 h/t Theo
... it's still what it is!

By now, we've all heard Nancy Pelosi's remarks just before the vote on Monday, in which the bipartisan bill was defeated. There have been admissions (by a sufficient number of Republican congressmen to have reversed that defeat) that Pelosi's partisan remarks were to blame for their negative votes, because her remarks negated the supposed bipartisan spirit of the bill. Democrats have rejected this claim as amateurish, immature, unpatriotic, or similar characterizations. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Pelosi's partisanship triggered a rejection of what had been presented as a bipartisan bill.

Would some unbiased interviewer, assuming one exists in television land, please ask some Democratic leader (I use the term technically) who blames the Republican naysayers, what exactly did the Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives hope to accomplish by her remarks? And does she now believe she has succeeded in her attempt to accomplish whatever it was? Inquiring minds, who can detect partisanship oozing from every politician's pores, would like to know, or at least hear the response spin.

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