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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It could happen ...

{link » The Financial Crisis}
“Then Sen. Dodd takes over, waves a paper as his eyes flash and he rails at the Wall Street greed that brought us this mess. He never offers a word that as the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, he took $165,000 in contributions from the failing Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac octopus as payback for his long-standing opposition to regulating these out-of-control institutions that triggered the entire mess, or that he took VIP insider discounted loans from the now long gone Countrywide Financial that did its part to get us to where we are. Pretty shameful. Who will police the police?”
— Victor Davis Hanson
No worries Victor. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will police Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, respectively. It could happen ...
 h/t Theo
Definition of a stupid c*nt

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