It's the value-system, stupid!
Related source » Treating Israel like Dirt
Turning the tables on Israel’s accusers.
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“In a critical passage from The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James associates evil with the concept of “dirt.” […] There is a great and deflationary, though duly unacknowledged, irony at work in this overarching semiotic. Europe is corrupt to the very core, in particular as it seeks to avoid self-recognition by discharging its sins upon its victim, that is, treating Israel like dirt. Unaware of its contorted project of self-acquittal, it has transformed Israel into itself. It gazes at Israel and sees its own savage and decadent past projected outward, in this way relieving itself of accountability and the knowledge which incriminates. […] Islam, too, is complicit, since as an Abrahamic religion which owes its formation in large measure to the Hebrew scripture and the people it later conquered by violence and slaughter, it must preserve its sense of purity by suppressing the inadmissible. Thus, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Islam’s most popular preacher, recently speechified in Cairo’s Tahrir Square: “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler [who] managed to put them in their place”. […] Qaradawi is only articulating a sentiment pervasive throughout the Islamic world and its various branch-plants, like Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. For Farrakhan, Israel and the Jews are “Satan” incarnate, the Prince of Evil or his minions sowing havoc in the world. They do not belong; they must be “uncovered.” […] Europe, on the other hand, represents a fully modern cultural system that is morally out of place, hiding from itself, desperately striving to deflect responsibility for what James called “evil” by locating it elsewhere, an act of ethical foulness and a sordid perversion of communal conscience. Europe not only resents the Jews for what it did to them and for serving as a reminder of its own depravity, like a demon it is determined to exorcize, it must also pacify its restive Muslim populations while ensuring the favor of Muslim oil producing nations. Hitting on Israel is just the ticket. […] The fact is that Israel’s cadastral address is also its ordered and ritually authentic locus between the river and the sea. To use James’ terms, it will not “be sloughed off and negated, and the very memory of it, if possible, wiped out and forgotten.” The “evil” lies elsewhere. The “dirt” on Israel is shoveled from the European and Islamic rubbish heap. For despite the calumny and dishonesty to which it is regularly subjected, Israel is the one place where Jews are truly not out of place.”
— March 5, 2011 - by David Solway (
The European and Islamist world is beyond the pale in its hatred of Jews. Its hatred is a perversion of the very concept of a value-system. Indeed, not only is their value-system beyond perversion, it is based on the antithesis of value. It is a system of hate.
The Banner of "Humanity's Last Best Hope", once proudly held aloft by the United States, is now largely borne by Hatikvah (Hebrew: lit. "The Hope"), the national anthem of Israel. This enlightened nation, re-born from the ashes of the Holocaust and by the efforts of scapegoats, underdogs, outcasts, survivors, and pioneers, shines a spotlight on the blighted world, the world of Hitler, Mussolini and I'madinnerjacket, which reviles every form of excellence. Israel is the nation of Annie Oakley singing "Anything you can do I can do better".
Europeans, Islamists, and Leftists the world over, however, no longer have a sense of value. Their values have metastasized into self-consuming hatred, marinated in bile for millennia. May they rot in Denmark and in Hell.
Post 1,578 Something Rotten in Denmark
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