The Art of Stupefying Perversity
Related source » What Obama did to IsraelOf course Charles' "only remaining question" is rhetorical, given that it relates to "perverse and ultimately self-defeating policy". And reasonable people have by now concluded beyond reasonable doubt that there is nothing genuine about Obama, especially where Israel's survival is concerned. And, unfortunately, he is not a blundering amateur. He is, in fact, a master of unrelenting stupefying perversity. He has raised Stalin's "Big Lie" stratagem to an art form.
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“The very idea that Judaism’s holiest shrine is alien or that Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter is rightfully or historically or demographically Arab is an absurdity. And the idea that, in order to retain them, Israel has to give up parts of itself is a travesty. Obama didn’t just move the goal posts on borders. He also did so on the so-called right of return. Flooding Israel with millions of Arabs would destroy the world’s only Jewish state while creating a 23rd Arab state and a second Palestinian state — not exactly what we mean when we speak of a “two-state solution.” That’s why it has been the policy of the United States to adamantly oppose this “right.” Yet in his State Department speech, Obama refused to simply restate this position — and refused again in a supposedly corrective speech three days later. Instead, he told Israel it must negotiate the right of return with the Palestinians after having given every inch of territory. Bargaining with what, pray tell? […] Obama’s response to this relentless Palestinian intransigence? To reward it — by abandoning the Bush assurances, legitimizing the ’67 borders and refusing to reaffirm America’s rejection of the right of return. The only remaining question is whether this perverse and ultimately self-defeating policy is born of genuine antipathy toward Israel or of the arrogance of a blundering amateur who refuses to see that he is undermining not just peace but the very possibility of negotiations.” [emphasis added]
— By Charles Krauthammer, May 26, 2011 (
Are you getting tired of hearing such harsh criticism of Obama? It's working. That is Obama's grand strategy. He has cultivated a vast herd of sheeple who yearn for a guaranteed lifetime of cradle-to-grave entitlements that will relieve them of all their worldly cares, including the burden of personal accountability. Now all he needs to do is provide his herd with a target for projecting any vestigial guilt they may experience for such coddling. That, dear reader, would be his harsh critics, who, by the way, are also getting bored with the constant need to point out the obvious.
I think we have underestimated this Conniver-in-Chief. He has managed to camouflage his grand strategy with banal repetition of seemingly-amateurish blundering and/or difficult-to-accept (for decent Americans) perversity of intentions. And the heavy mendacity-soaked ball is in our court. We, the bored yet much concerned critics of this slime-ball of Jew-hatred must continue batting this evil hatred back at him.
And so we shall.
Post 1,638 Silencing the Lambs
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