Ironically, given the aloofness of The Obama Administration, I don't see The Obama Himself producing anything that could actually fly. But what do I know? Pigs flew yesterday ...Related Link » Republican Party Time
“So does Obama go back to the drawing board, try to play to the middle, start reaching across the aisle? If he’s smart [which The Obama Himself claims He is — TBH], he’ll ditch that thing and moderate going forward. Or his presidency is over. Not that Obama asked, but if he did, I’d suggest he start with a big warm welcome to the newest senator from Massachusetts. If he wants to walk away from this health care thing with anything intact, I’d suggest he do what he should have done in the first place. Come out and admit that he made a mistake trying to ram through [via Rahm "It Up Your Ass" Emanuel — TBH] an onerous highly partisan agenda item that threatens to wreak economic havoc in the middle of a recession. Recognize that this is an incredibly complex and divisive issue, and appoint a bi-partisan commission to study and propose ways in this country we can (a) reduce health care costs and, (b) expand access. Maybe by the time they are done we won’t be in the middle of a recession anymore, and they’ll have something that might be [able to] actually fly.” [emphasis added and [comments] inserted]
— Jules Crittenden, January 20, 2010

Post #1,094 Something that might actually fly?
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