People ask, "TheBigHenry, what's up with all the Czars being created in Washington?" Well, boys and girls, here is the amazing story.
Way back in history days, there was a famous bon vivant of many conquests and few words. His moniker was Big Jules the Caesar. Upon returning to Rome from a vacation in Egypt, where he met the famous hottie Cleopatra, he famously quipped, "Vidi; vici; veni", which we can't translate for you because this is a family blog. But I digress.
Anyway, Big Jules was so popular that they named the seventh month after him, and after he died, every big shot in Rome appropriated his name — Caesar. And the tradition continued for two millennia until the present day. Specifically, the German emperors assumed the name "Kaiser" ("Caesar" in German) and the Russian emperors called themselves "Czar" ("Caesar" in Russian). Only the British monarchs were content with the more traditional titles "King" and "Queen". But I digress; again.
Well, when The Obaminator was elected to lead America and the rest of the visible universe, he couldn't subvert the Constitution immediately, so for the time being he had to make do with his official title of President. But here is the really clever (and presumably Constitutional) maneuver he devised: he would demote and dilute the historical name for an emperor, namely "Czar", by establishing a gaggle of underlings on whom he would bestow the title of "Czar"! How clever is The Obaminator?!
So now we have a Car Czar (catchy, n'est pas?); a Great Lakes Czar; a Marketing Czar; a Grocery Czar, and, it had to happen, a Gofer Czar, among many others (too many to mention in a post). So what was once the title of dead Russian emperors is now the common designation for the President's lackeys.
What a country!
UPDATE: I challenged myself to find all the little czars buzzing about running errands for the POTUS. The following is a possibly incomplete list: 1. Drug Czar; 2. Car Czar; 3. Border Czar; 4. Marketing Czar; 5. Health-care Czar; 6. WMD Czar; 7. Bank-bailout Czar; 8. Pay Czar; 9. e-Government Czar; 10. Copyright Czar; 11. Health-IT Czar; 12. Culture Czar; 13. Cybersecurity Czar; 14. Regulatory Czar; 15. War Czar; 16. Health-data Czar; 17. Accountability Czar; 18. Technology Czar; 19. Internet Czar; 20. Energy Czar; 21. Great-Lakes Czar.
h/t Theo
Post #778 What's up with all the Czars?
Way back in history days, there was a famous bon vivant of many conquests and few words. His moniker was Big Jules the Caesar. Upon returning to Rome from a vacation in Egypt, where he met the famous hottie Cleopatra, he famously quipped, "Vidi; vici; veni", which we can't translate for you because this is a family blog. But I digress.
Anyway, Big Jules was so popular that they named the seventh month after him, and after he died, every big shot in Rome appropriated his name — Caesar. And the tradition continued for two millennia until the present day. Specifically, the German emperors assumed the name "Kaiser" ("Caesar" in German) and the Russian emperors called themselves "Czar" ("Caesar" in Russian). Only the British monarchs were content with the more traditional titles "King" and "Queen". But I digress; again.
Well, when The Obaminator was elected to lead America and the rest of the visible universe, he couldn't subvert the Constitution immediately, so for the time being he had to make do with his official title of President. But here is the really clever (and presumably Constitutional) maneuver he devised: he would demote and dilute the historical name for an emperor, namely "Czar", by establishing a gaggle of underlings on whom he would bestow the title of "Czar"! How clever is The Obaminator?!
So now we have a Car Czar (catchy, n'est pas?); a Great Lakes Czar; a Marketing Czar; a Grocery Czar, and, it had to happen, a Gofer Czar, among many others (too many to mention in a post). So what was once the title of dead Russian emperors is now the common designation for the President's lackeys.
What a country!
UPDATE: I challenged myself to find all the little czars buzzing about running errands for the POTUS. The following is a possibly incomplete list: 1. Drug Czar; 2. Car Czar; 3. Border Czar; 4. Marketing Czar; 5. Health-care Czar; 6. WMD Czar; 7. Bank-bailout Czar; 8. Pay Czar; 9. e-Government Czar; 10. Copyright Czar; 11. Health-IT Czar; 12. Culture Czar; 13. Cybersecurity Czar; 14. Regulatory Czar; 15. War Czar; 16. Health-data Czar; 17. Accountability Czar; 18. Technology Czar; 19. Internet Czar; 20. Energy Czar; 21. Great-Lakes Czar.

Post #778 What's up with all the Czars?
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