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h/t Theo
Post #779 Pleasant Dreams
“Nuclear Proliferation: In the torrent of analysis of the president's Muslim speech, a major policy shift went largely unnoticed. We now endorse equal opportunity regarding what countries can have atomic weapons. President Obama's Cairo University address to the world's Muslims on Thursday squandered a historic opportunity that perhaps only a president with a Muslim father and a Muslim name could have utilized: effectively rallying the Islamic world against Iran as it pursues nuclear weapons. Instead, he did pretty much the opposite, declaring that ‘no single nation should pick and choose which nation holds nuclear weapons.’ This is multilateralism taken to its reductio ad absurdum.”As I fully anticipated, The Obaminator has granted Iran, and by extension the terrorists that Iran supports and exports, carte blanche to pursue nuclear weapons without interference from the United States. With one verbal flourish in the midst of the anti-West world, the darling of the Liberal Left has completely undermined more than half a century of American effort "to protect ourselves and the rest of the world from the danger of total destruction", as President Truman declared at the dawn of atomic weapons.
[emphasis added]
— Investor's Business Daily

Post #779 Pleasant Dreams
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