Suppose reality was a holographic illusion. Suppose everything you learned after kindergarten was false. Suppose the Muslim Street was the Champs-Elysées. Suppose democracy was a fig leaf of the unimaginative. Suppose the Holocaust was a Juicy hoax. Suppose 9/11 was a 7-Eleven. Suppose I'madinnerjacket was not a scumbag. Suppose Pelosi was not a bat-out-of-hell. Suppose Crazy-Joe was not. Suppose the EU was not the Posers Hall of Fame. Suppose Teeth D'Olbermann was not a rabid son-of-a-bitch. Suppose Noam Chomsky was not Yesam Chumpsky. Suppose Sotomayor was just another stupid white male. Suppose the Pledge of Allegiance was Code Pink. Suppose the The Obaminator was not a Chicago hack. What then?
Well, then flying shit-laden pigs would be crashing into the Statue of Liberty. And America would be forgiven.
h/t Theo
Post #777 The Great Suppository
Well, then flying shit-laden pigs would be crashing into the Statue of Liberty. And America would be forgiven.

Post #777 The Great Suppository
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