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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Now what?

h/t New Yorker Cartoon by Roz Chast

{link » Jackpot in Spacetime}
People ask me, "TheBigHenry, now that I understand how complicated everything is, what can I do?"

I say unto them with the lips of my mouth as follows:
  1. Do thou as I do (refer to "Your Ticket to Ride").
  2. An excellent rule of thumb is the Golden Rule. There are two choices:
    • The Christian version is more proactive: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
    • The Jewish version is less intrusive: Do not do unto others that which you would not have others do unto you.
    Take your pick; it's all good. In plain English: Try not to be a schmuck.
  3. Stop cursing your bad luck. Take personal accountability for your actions. Grow up; times a wastin'.
  4. Everybody needs a break now and then. All work and no play etc. Everything in moderation.
  5. Be nice to your parents. They gave you life. Break them a f*cking give. Eventually, you'll wish your kids did.
  6. Do what you can to save a life worth saving.
  7. Thou shalt not f*ck with America.
  8. Honesty is the best policy. Make a habit of it.
  9. Put your own affairs in order before telling others what to do. Glass houses and all that lot.
  10. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. That's what got us into our financial mess in the first place. Be happy with what you have. As for Mrs. Jones, she's not that hot. Trust me on that one.

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