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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Capitulation (It's a Technical Term)

{link » Panic Selling - Capitulation Or Crash?}
“In Wall Street the term [capitulation] refers to the time when investors (all of them) sell all their stocks because they want out. The sole motivation for trading is to get out of the market and seek shelter in ‘safe’ investments such as bonds or your mattress [but feel free to use mine]. The selling frenzy is painful, but relatively quick. Consequently, a sign of capitulation is mass selling that occurs over a brief time span.
{link » America’s Nervous Breakdown — and The World’s}
“The natural order of the world is chaos, not calm [second law of thermodynamics]. Like it or not, for over a half-century the United States alone restrained nuclear bullies, kept the sea lanes free from outlaws and corralled rogue nations. America alone could provide that deterrence because we produced a fourth of the world's goods and services, and became the richest country in the history of civilization.

But the bill for years of massive borrowing for oil, for imported consumer goods and for speculation has now finally come due on Wall Street — and for the rest of us as well.

Should that heart of American financial power in New York falter — or even appear to falter — then eventually the sinews of the American military will likewise slacken. And then things could get ugly — real fast.”

©2008 Tribune Media Services
It is crunch time in more ways than one. While most Americans focus on Wall Street, the world beyond realizes that the financial crunch underlies a much more serious crunch. Our so-called allies, many of them in Europe, are waking up to the realization that their cushy arrangement with America, whereby we provide them with military and economic defense (relatively free of charge) while they wax holier-than-thou and spit in our faces (for a fee), is inextricably linked to American well-being. Fair-weather friends (Russia springs to mind) and avowed enemies (Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Holyshitwood, and the other usually suspected miscreants, including but not limited to Democratic-Party-Owner George Soros) know all too well that their well-being is inextricably linked to American difficulties; and they act accordingly.

The next series of capitulations may very well be military, in such bastions of capitulation as France. You want fries widdat?

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