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Sunday, September 28, 2008

An objectively honest opinion is a gaffe?

{link » Biden's Gaffe Immunity}
When Joe Biden described an Obama ad attacking John McCain's inability to use a computer as "terrible," the world acted as if the Joe-pocalypse had finally arrived. Jonathan Martin of Politico called it "perhaps his most off-message statement yet." Newsday dubbed him "gaffe-a-minute Joe."

Please. Biden's blunder couldn't matter less. Not because gaffes never matter—they can, if they play into public perceptions of the candidate's character—but because Joe Biden is gaffe-proof.
Am I missing something here, or has the "down is up; black is white; nonsense is sense;" mantra of the liberal fascists finally engulfed us? Since when did one of Biden's rare, objective, and honestly-expressed opinions been categorized as a gaffe?

As has been thoroughly explained, John McCain has difficulty using a keyboard, stemming from beatings he received in captivity at the hands of the f*cking North Vietnamese, whom the f*cking Jane Fonda supported then and still. So when Biden has the decency to characterize the Obama Campaign's obnoxious ad as "terrible", his remark is characterized as a gaffe? An objectively honest opinion is what the left considers a gaffe? Is there no sense of decency left, at long last?


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