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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

And your point is?

{link » Two Against The One}
“‘Obama should have picked you, Hillary,’ John McCain tells her. ‘It isn’t fair, my friend. But it just makes it easier for me to whup him.’

‘Don’t worry, John, I’ve put it behind me,’ Hillary replies. ‘I’m looking toward the future now, a future that looks very bright, once we send Twig Legs back to the back bench.’”
— Maureen Dowd, New York Times Op-Ed Columnist
This smarmy supporter of Mr. "Don't Pick on My Wife If You Know What's Good for You" imagines a smoke-filled-room conversation between the Democratic rival and the Republican opponent of Mr. "No Fair Asking Me Substantive Questions That I Can't Handle With Words Like 'change' and 'hope'". The faux-clever imaginary repartee between the rival and the opponent slyly suggests that Mr. "They're Going to Use the Race Card Against Me" will be defeated by tactics that he himself would never dream of invoking.

Let's see if I understand what Ms. "Too Clever by Half" is insinuating: Mr. "Audacity of Hopelessness and Paucity of Substance", while promising any jerk who will listen a winning ticket to a major jackpot, is being undermined by his dastardly opponents, who won't insult the intelligence of their audience to quite the same degree as Mr. "The Germans Think I'm Great So Why Don't You?"

OK, I get it. But what is her point?

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