"Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this sun of York."
— Shakespeare, Richard III
Related source » The Middle East and the Multicultural Nightmare
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“Obama is not a classical liberal, but rather an illiberal multicultural relativist. In his way of thinking, all cultures are equal, and so are not to be judged by transcendent, timeless abstract values, like freedom and liberty. [According to Obama] [t]hese proclamations, instead, are ‘constructed’ narratives offered up by Western chauvinists and do not take into consideration past imperialism, colonialism, and racism. Instead, equality of result — an enforced egalitarianism in the Marxist sense — is the multiculturalist creed. In such a warped world view, a Chavez or Castro who stifles freedom is not per se anti-democratic, because he does so to redistribute income, his beneficiaries being the “people”, his prey “them”. […] Finally, multiculturalism is a form of political and historical ignorance. The multiculturalist is an ahistorical fool, who confuses the cultural periphery with the core. Thus the United States is enriched by “multicultural” music, food, fashion, art, and literature from a Mexico or Kenya or Egypt. Fine, wonderful, all the better. But one, in the spirit of ‘diversity’, does not wish to embrace the Mexican judiciary, the Kenyan economic system or the Arab attitude to women. Multiculturalism is a fraud of sort, as the activist who wears the serape to campus never quite agitates for adopting the protocols of the Mexican police or the Mexico City elite’s approach to Indian peoples. We do not see signs, blaring out, “We want Nigerian speech codes”, “Treat women as they do in Saudi Arabia”, “Look to the Iranians for gay rights”. “Arabs had the right idea about slavery”, etc. When I do radio talk show interviews, usually the harshest U.S. critics are transplanted Middle Easterners who in their furor at American foreign policy never quite explain why they left and do not go back to places that they now idolize — as if the economic, political, and cultural protocols they enjoy here would appear in Gaza or Yemen like dandelions after a rain if it were not for U.S. imperialism.”
— Victor Davis Hanson, February 2, 2011 (pajamasmedia.com)
Humans are fallible (you can quote me on that); it would not have been wise to adhere to a single unifying worldview. Hence, multiculturalism evolved and provided a multiplicity of choices for advancing the lot of man, and, of course, woman. But it is a grave folly to preserve all the views that have evolved, the good, the bad, and the ugly, without using our god-given ability to differentiate the useful from the patently corrupt.
Multiculturalism offers a means to a greater end. It is not necessarily a desirable end in itself, all the more so when viewed through Alice's looking-glass.
The Obama and his perpetually-perplexed supporters simply don't comprehend that multiculturalism (in its present-day incarnation) and moral relativism are corruptions of the truly noble concept, "All men are created equal", where "men" means humanity (including women as well as five-fifths of all non-Anglo-Saxon Protestants) and the operative word is "created". As should be abundantly obvious to all but the hopelessly fecked-up, "created" does not, repeat loudly NOT, imply entitled to equality of results.
As multiculturalism spawns moral relativism, so does the latter lead to that perversion of equality, namely bigotry. For if all worldviews are to be valued equally, then, just to mention the most egregious example, the homicidal Jew-hatred of Islamofascism is legitimized. It may all be relative, but we should at least strive for improvement, which insists on the existence of a greater good.
Post 1,558 The Multicultural-Relativism of Our Discontent
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