Read related » Now What?Unfortunately, I do “remember the Michael Moore shtick in the Cindy Sheehan era”. That execrable excuse for human detritus wormed his way into the hearts of many people I once counted among my friends and acquaintances, and into the brain remnants of delusional leftists who cling to their drug-addled hippie ways.
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“Remember the Michael Moore shtick in the Cindy Sheehan era? He rose to the heights of liberal society (invited to sit next to Jimmy Carter at the Democratic convention) on the basis of being a useful idiot who could for the more respectable vicariously slander their president. That he had lamented bin Laden had chosen a blue state to murder 3000 Americans, and that he rooted for insurgents in Iraq to defeat Americans (they, not us, were “Minutemen”) did not lessen his utility. We may see him now as a pathetic buffoon, but in 2004 he was an ascendant one, who understood that he had carved out a brilliant career as the unsightly smelly attack dog that nevertheless bloodies the adversary out in the street without the resulting hair and blood soiling the veranda porch.
So the “we are doomed without Obama” hysteria has finally gone the way of the torrential seas, the silent spring, the population bomb, the war on poverty, the geodesic dome, TM, the greening of America, and all the other periodic hysterias of the bored affluent liberal class, whose intellectual factories send in the raw product of challenges and problems and vomit out variously packaged “doom” on the other end of the assembly line.”
— December 12, 2010 - by Victor Davis Hanson (
Fortunately, there is one saving grace to the Michael Moore pathogen — he is not, I repeat not a Jew. Moore has described his parents as "Irish Catholic Democrats, basic liberal good people".
Had this despicable specimen of human excrement been Juice, the Jew-haters would be oozing out of the leftist woodwork and tripping over themselves to initiate another Kristallnacht to avenge their pathologically-viewed victimization at the hands of "oppressive" Jooos.
Now that Moore has been exposed (I just threw up a little bit in my mouth) for the lying scumbag that he was, is, and will continue to be, we can leisurely await that glorious day when he explodes from mainlining one too many pizzas laden with mushrooms, anchovies, and grapes of wrath.
If we're lucky, it will happen on the Fourth of July:
When the moon hits your eye[Apologies to Dean Martin]
Like a big pizza pie,
which explodes in your gut
On the Fourth of July,
That's amore!
Post 1,510 Like a Big Pizza Pie on the Fourth of July
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