Read related » Pretty in Pink? Obama’s Dark Night of the Soul
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“Life keeps getting worse for President Obama. […] [T]he mainstream, liberal press and the American left are deserting him now. […] Michael Moore [has] turned on the Messiah. 'Take off your pink tutu!' Moore commanded the President on Bill Maher. […] We and the President were always likely to come to this point. The adulation lavished on a one-term senator of little life experience was not a good thing for anyone. For Obama, it fed an already enlarged self-esteem that had become grotesque by the inauguration. A cruelly accurate piece by Jonathan Last in The Weekly Standard highlights the ghastly series of intentional evocations of Lincoln that a delusionally imprudent White House team put forward in the flush of victory. Important note to all future denizens of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first compare to Abraham Lincoln. […] There’s an epidemic now of repentance from Obama voters. That isn’t me. My eyes were open in the voting booth and I had a pretty good idea of what we were getting when I voted for him. I have always thought he was too liberal for the American people and too inexperienced to know it. I hoped things wouldn’t come to this point, but thought it was likely and still thought he was the best of the two available picks. […] I voted for Obama because the United States needs a government, and that is something that John McCain and the Republicans were simply unable to provide at the time.” [emphasis added]
— WALTER RUSSELL MEAD, November 16, 2010 (
I read Prof. Mead's article (excerpted above) with great interest, and I urge readers to read the entire erudite piece. He is obviously a man of high intellect and gives a very insightful analysis of the phenomenon I have come to refer to in this blog as The Obama.
But, though I agree with most of Mead's commentary, I have a major reservation about his purported reasons for voting to elect Obama, given all the reasons he enumerates why that "was not a good thing for anyone". To wit, he claims that though he was prescient enough to foresee what has now come to pass, he, nevertheless, deemed Obama to be the lesser of two bad choices.
I think it is much easier to admit a mistake than to admit having been foolish enough to make one. Mead's insistence that he knew all along Obama was inadequate to the task smacks of disingenuousness, and misdirection, too. I am willing to believe he sensed it was a mistake, but I sense Mead's reason for such foreboding was not the one he submits for our consideration.
The 800-pound donkey in the room that nobody of note is willing to discuss in today's highly charged socio-political atmosphere is racism. "Reverse" racism, as understood by some. And since I am not anyone of note, I submit the conjecture that The Obama was not only elected but nominated in the first place was an ill-considered instance of affirmative action.
Ask yourself this: If Obama had not been African-American, would you have advocated such an unqualified candidate for the Presidency of the United States? Moreover, what do you suppose is His foremost attribute that accounts for The Obama's formidable personal popularity both at home and abroad?
Post 1,509 In the pink?
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