... Out where a friend is a friend
“Ridin' the range once more
Totin' my old 44
Where you sleep out every night
And the only law is right
Back in the saddle again”
— Gene Autry
Related source » The Race Is On
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“WASHINGTON -- I see that President Barack Obama has filed as a candidate for reelection in 2012. I had suggested that he get to work early on his presidential library and forgo the race, but he is insistent. […] Well, the Democratic Party has been stuck with the chronic campaigner since 1972. […] Jimmy Carter ran the theretofore most grueling campaign in history and was lucky to have Gerald Ford as an opponent and Watergate. There was not a village too small for him to visit. If two people gathered on a street corner, the chances are Jimmy was there with his hand out and his idiot smile. The next chronic campaigner to win the presidency was Bill Clinton, and he is still campaigning for something. […] Obama has been running for president since his first day in the Senate. […] The problem with the chronic campaigner is that, though he is a swell candidate, he is a lousy chief executive. […] So our chronic campaigner [Obama] filed for reelection and left town for the campaign trail. [Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI)] offered a budget for 2012 and a vision. The race is on.”
— By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. on 4.7.11 (spectator.org)
There is bad news and a saving grace. The bad news is that our chronic campaigner is, nevertheless, a Champion among campaigners. The saving grace is that He will be out of the White House, both physically and in spirit, for the duration.
As is well known in American politics, the electoral pie comprises three roughly equal pieces: the so-called liberal base; the so-called conservative base; and the independents. The left- and right-leaning bases are hardened targets, and as such, virtually no amount of campaigning will succeed in denting their made-up minds. Only the independents are amenable to political bribery.
The liberal base includes a number of well characterized components:
- the 94% of black voters who would vote for The Obama, even if His opponent was Abraham Lincoln;
- self-loathing Jews, like Yesam Chumpsky and Rahm "It Up Your Ass" Emanuel;
- Jews who cling to their parents' feelings of guilt;
- Jews who believe FDR was their Messiah, which he definitely was NOT;
- miscellaneous hippies, free-lunchers, nutroots, pink "ladies", and pseudo intellectuals.
So, once again, it all depends on the independents. How many will succumb to the snake-oil pitch? How many are so self-involved that they will sell out their own and their children's future for a hamburger now? How many are so uninvolved with current events that they can't imagine the great American enterprise sunk by the ideology of a narcissist?
Time will tell.
Post 1,601 He's back in the saddle again ...
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