Achievement of Hopey-Dopey (Image via Wikipedia)
Read related » Fewer Young Voters See Themselves as DemocratsHaving spent four years and a couple of hundred grand (of their parents' money) partying at α,β,γ fraternities for a degree in horseshit studies, generation x,y,z has suddenly realized that, though such a commodity may have intrinsic value in the fertilizer market, it's worthless in the job market. Suddenly, hopey-dopey doesn't smell so good.
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“FORT COLLINS, Colo. — The college vote is up for grabs this year — to an extent that would have seemed unlikely two years ago, when a generation of young people seemed to swoon over Barack Obama. Though many students are liberals on social issues, the economic reality of a weak job market has taken a toll on their loyalties: far fewer 18- to 29-year-olds now identify themselves as Democrats compared with 2008.”
— By KIRK JOHNSON, September 2, 2010 (
And it dawns on American youth that The Obama "free" lunch they were expecting has been eaten by the youth of China and India, who have been diligently studying science, math, and engineering, because their parents aren't going to shell out for four-years worth of horseshit, AKA The Obama Administration.
And what of the American hippies of the 1960s, some of whom pretend they are still having a good ol' time at various idiotic rallies hosted by Code Pink? Well, after pissing away their retirement money so that their kiddies can pretend they are modern day hippies in today's global economy, they now have to bear the cost of providing for their "adult" kiddies because, you know, there is no free lunch. And even if there was, it would have been eaten yesterday in China and India.
So, how's that hopey-dopey workin' for ya? Embarrassed yet?
Post 1,406 Reality Hits the Fan
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