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Saturday, February 7, 2009

This is NOT a democracy. This is a recording!

{link » What part of "republic" don't you understand?}
“There is democracy and there is not democracy. The United States of America is not a democracy. The United States is a Republic: a Constitutionally limited representative government (with its powers divided between three separate Branches), whose head of state is a President, and in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.
If you don't like what our Republic's government officials are doing, you have two options: (1) take whatever action is required to become a qualified voter, register to vote, and then vote; or (2) get the f*ck out of our Republic. What part of these two options do you not understand?”

 — TheBigHenry
Attention morons in government: the United States is not a democracy! If you do not understand the difference between a democracy and a constitutionally limited representative government like our Republic, you have no business being in government. WTF?!

Look it up, you lazy pieces of shit. How is an average voter supposed to have confidence in a government official who doesn't understand what kind of government (s)he works in (as evidenced by his or her reference to it as a "democracy").

Every time I hear a Congressman blithely refer to the United States as a democracy I want to jump inside my TV, reach inside his craw and rip his f*cking lungs out! This is fundamental shit, you morons.

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