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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Creepy Slope

{link » A Lose-Lose World}
Creepy times

“There is something especially nauseating about the latest Middle East war — scenes of worldwide Islamic protests with photos of Jews as apes, protesters (in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida of all places!) screaming about nuking Israel and putting Jews in ovens, parades of children dressed up with suicide vests and fake rockets, near constant anti-Semitic vicious sloganeering, Gaza mosques stuffed with rockets to be used against civilians — all to be collated with creepy Hamas rhetoric about the annihilation of Israel. This is the world in which we now live.”
 — ©2009 Victor Davis Hanson
“At first they came for the smokers but I did not speak out as I did not smoke. Then they came for the binge drinkers but I said nothing as I did not binge. Now they have an obesity strategy.”
 — Fat Man on a Keyboard
At first they came for the juice, but I did not speak out as I preferred milk. Then they came for the Juice in Israel, but I did not speak out as I was safe in America. Then they came for the Juice in Europe, but I did not speak out as I knew that's how it's always been in Europe. Then they came for the Juice in America, but I did not speak out as I felt confident that America wouldn't allow what Europe was only too happy to accommodate.

Then they intensified their efforts in America, but I didn't speak out as I believed I could pass for Christian, since my wife is Christian and she would claim that I was Christian by injection. Then they made all Juice wear a yellow Star-of-David patch to simplify identification. Now they had me worried. Then the Liberal Left piled on the Juice because, you know, they wanted to ingratiate themselves to the trend setters in case their own demographic was targeted next.

After they began to build deep-sleep-away camps with special ovens that accommodate thousands at a time, all those who thought they might present an undesirably-high profile started clamoring for membership with the trend setters, but to no avail, because the trend setters wanted to keep their creepy club pure. And the creepiness creep crept onward ...

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