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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Postmodern Protocols

{link » The Gaza Rules}
“Fifth and finally, victimization is crucial. Hamas daily sends barrages into Israel, as its hooded thugs thump their chests and brag of their radical Islamic militancy. But when the payback comes, suddenly warriors are transmogrified into weeping victims, posing teary-eyed for the news camera as they deplore ‘genocide’ and ‘the Palestinian Holocaust’. At least the Japanese militarists did not cry out to the League of Nations for help once mean Marines landed on Iwo Jima.

By now, these Gaza asymmetrical rules are old hat. We know why they persist — worldwide fear of Islamic terrorism, easy anti-Westernism, the old anti-Semitism, and global strategic calculations about Middle East oil — but it still doesn't make them right.”

 — ©2009 Victor Davis Hanson
Mr. Hanson omitted one important factor from his "persistence" summation, although he did address it in the full article, which I recommend to the interested reader — "politically correct, zero-tolerance policies" run amok.

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