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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Hierarchical Emergence of Evil, Good and Greatness

Jimmy Carter, future United States President, ...Image via Wikipedia
The Boy who Switched
Names with His Dog
Narcissism is the purgatory of evil.”
— TheBigHenry's Handbasket Rule
In the beginning there was self preservation. And the secular god of Darwinian nature saw that it was good, for the alternative was chaos.

From the local reduction of entropy via self preservation emerged self awareness. And the secular god saw that it was good, for the alternative was stagnation.

From self awareness evolved narcissism. And the secular god saw that narcissism would lead to evil, such as Jimmy Carter's Jew-hatred. Fortunately, self awareness itself evolved and adumbrated the awareness of life external to self, AKA empathy.

And empathy evolved into altruistic good, which enabled a fluctuating equilibrium or stalemate between evil/narcissism and good/empathy. And the stalemate between the forces of good and evil led to continual strife and the polarization of opposing socio-political visions, not unlike that which consumes us today.

But, to the everlasting glory of random good fortune, on rare occasion emerges greatness. And greatness, in this context, is the apotheosis of a vision that embraces the greater good at the expense of instinctual narcissism that sometimes masquerades as empathy, such as The Obama's hopey-dopey mantra.

If lady luck once again smiles upon this Nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, then she will once again bless us with a restorer of Constitutional-republican government of the people, by the people and for the right to pursue happiness.

Post 1,525 The Hierarchical Emergence of Evil, Good and Greatness
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  1. Nice post. I've read a lot about the human faculty for constructing a Self and an Other, but haven't come across an explicit link between the necessity that arises from knowledge of a Self for knowledge of the Other (i.e., empathy). Very interesting and thought provoking....

  2. Thanx for your interest and your feedback.
