Read related » What happens when a neo-Nazi couple discovers it is Jewish?And they say God doesn't have a sense of humor. If I was the Rabbi that Pawel came to for guidance, I would have told him, "Why don't you guys just go f*ck yourselves?"
Ola and Pawel and their two children are a happily married Jewish couple. But several years ago they were both anti-Semites, unaware of their own personal ties to Judaism
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“A young Polish couple, formerly associated with Warsaw's neo-Nazi gangs, was at the center of a recently aired CNN documentary which revealed their path from fanatic anti-Semitism to worshiping in an Orthodox synagogue. Ola and Pawel and their two children are a happily married Jewish couple. But several years ago they were both anti-Semites, unaware of their own personal ties to Judaism. It was only after Ola vaguely recalled a conversation she had with her mother when she was 13, that she decided to look into her roots and discovered the secret that had been hidden from her, a secret which many Poles who remained in the county after WWII, hid from society and oftentimes, even their children. […] Pawel recalled how he turned to the Rabbi for help in understanding how to come to terms with his new identity. […] The couple now lives active lives in the Jewish community, Pawel is studying to work in kosher slaughterhouse and Ola works as a kashruth supervisor.” [emphasis added]
— Haaretz Service, October 08, 2010 (
Have they never heard of "Live by the sword, die by the sword"? Since when did Jew-hatred, or any other hatred, for that matter, become relative? It's OK to hate a whole nation of people, men and women and children belonging to a community of religious, cultural, and ethnic traditions that have existed for millennia, just because they were not the same as your traditions? Unless, by some freak of circumstances (not unrelated to your own irrational hatred) you discover that you are your own worst enemy? Then you are entitled to a "time out"? I don't think so.
They made their bed; now they can just go f*ck themselves in it. And be sure to let their former neo-Nazi gangs know where they live. F*ck 'em if they can't take a joke.
Post 1,443 Now they tell me ...
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