Read related » The Jewish Problem With Obama: Part One of Five
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“Over the course of the past twenty elections, a stunning 75 percent of the Jewish vote has on average gone to the Democratic presidential candidate. […] Recent polls of the Jewish community reflect a significant decline in support from 2008, when 78 percent of Jewish voters pulled the lever for Obama. According to a recent McLaughlin & Associates poll, a plurality of Jewish voters would now consider voting for someone else for president. […] "I started breaking with Obama ten months ago," says Martin Peretz, editor in chief of The New Republic. "And I know that a lot of West Coast Jews are also having buyer's remorse. The gut of it is Israel. Will Jews mobilize for Obama in the fall elections? They might be too embarrassed to come out directly against him. But I'll give you one sign of the times: Chuck Schumer [New York's senior Senator] waited a year and a half before he stood up for Israel, and he's been having trouble raising money on Wall Street." […] "The idea that we saw a black president in our lifetime is wonderful," says New York City's former mayor, Ed Koch. "It conveyed to us that this country has come such a long way. But I never fully accepted that Obama didn't hear his minister [Jeremiah Wright] make those awful anti-Semitic statements over 20 years. I wanted to believe him. I willed myself to believe him.... What he has done is break that trust".”
— Edward Klein and Richard Z. Chesnoff, OCTOBER 10, 2010 (
I have a question for guys like Chuck Schumer, who always assumes he's the smartest guy in the room. It's a simple question: Do you know how to spell "schmuck", schmuck? I'll give you a clue, in case you haven't had enough coffee today: append the last two letters of your first name to the first five of your last and interchange the order of the "u" and the "m". Also, it rhymes with "stupid f*ck".
Ever since that scumbag Jeremiah Wright slithered onto the national scene, it became crystal clear where Obama stood vis a vis Jews in general and Israel in particular, not to mention His and His wife's sentiments toward the country He wanted to "change". You don't need the insight of a rocket scientist to figure that one out. You just need to know how to spell "schmuck". It also helps to understand what it means.
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