Read related » CNN’s Sanchez fired after calling Stewart a bigot
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“NEW YORK (AP) — CNN fired news anchor Rick Sanchez on Friday, a day after he called Jon Stewart a bigot in a radio show interview where he also questioned whether Jews should be considered a minority.”
— By DAVID BAUDER, 10/01/2010 (
According to the Old Testament, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob (later known as Israel) Chose the Children of Israel. But what did He Choose these People for? Speculation continues to abound.
It seems to me that He Chose them for a number of specified, as well as unspecified, reasons. One of the unspecified reasons, it seems to me, is to have on hand a group of people to serve as a control-group for the testing of the nature of man, especially those aspects of human nature that comprise the province of free will. Such a Choice (for eternity) is both an honor and a privilege, as well as a very heavy burden, as the Children of Israel have discovered to their everlasting distress in their quest for parity with all other peoples of the world.
In their formative years as a Nation of God-fearing men they were consigned to the leadership of their great prophet Moses. Their tutelage under their Law Giver took them on a journey full of trials, ordeals, and questing, which comprised forty years of wandering through barren Sinai. In the process, a couple of generations of stiff-necked old timers were culled from the gene pool, including Moses himself, who also was not able to completely and faultlessly obey his God-given laws. The remaining descendants of Israel were finally allowed to cross over Jordan into the Promised Land, where their ordeal for eternity commenced.
In the millennia that followed, the eternal ordeal for the Chosen People of Israel morphed into what is commonly known as Jew-hatred. The hatred stems from the envy of the "honor and privilege" attendant to the Chosen People, as well as the relief from having avoided the "great burden" that shackles those same Israelites.
Being Chosen-of-God, gentle reader, is not all it's cracked-up to be. Yes, the honor and privilege enables the Israelites to excel in many human endeavors, such as science, math, and the oft-disparaged "cleverness with money". But not the least of all human endeavors is survival. And if nothing else, Jewish people have always been the world's expert survivors.
Beware of threats to exterminate all Jews. For if such calamity befalls them, humanity is doomed.
In other news ...
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