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Friday, January 9, 2009

Evil-challenged Machiavellian Secularists

{link » Behold! Christians Don’t Hate Jews!}
“I wouldn’t want to be a Jew in the UK or Europe today. Certainly, I wouldn’t want to be a Jew in Paris or Denmark right now. But the threat isn’t coming from the Christians. The threat is coming from the P.C. crowd who won’t condemn violent followers of an unreformed religion: Islam. Please read that sentence again. The threat isn’t even the violent Muslims. Not yet. They still need more numbers. And, as Mark Steyn says, time is on the Muslim’s side. The threat to Jews are those Machiavellian secularists who refuse to name evil when they see it.

The threat is the corrupt leaders appeasing terrorists and condemning Israel.”

 — Dr. Melissa Clouthier
In America such Machiavellian secularists who are persuaded to turn every civilized concept inside-out comprise a modern "Know Nothing" political movement. But instead of making an honest effort at organizing themselves into a political party based on their platform of willful ignorance, they usurped and cannibalized the once-grand Democratic Party into the caricature of its old self that it has become, complete with clowns like the newly-elected Senator from Minnesota.

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