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Monday, September 15, 2008

Litmus Test 2008

The American Presidential election of 2008 is a test; it is only a litmus test. But the outcome will have significant repercussions for America and the rest of the world. Will the forces of insanity reach the tipping point, or will common sense prevail?

The Party faithful will do what they have always done, namely vote the Party line. The newly minted, enthusiastic youth will vote: for whomever their favorite pied piper stipulates; against whomever their parents support; or not at all if they oversleep. The poor will vote for whomever they trust more to provide for their personal needs; and the same reasoning will guide the short-sighted and the greedy. The Holyshitwoods (except for a handful who read and think), 92% of black voters, and 100% of liberals who masochistically take full responsibility for the actions of their slave-owning ancestors will follow their donations to the tipping point and beyond. Which leaves us with the deciding demographic and the litmus paper of Test 2008 — the principled pragmatism and traditional common sense of the American independent voter.

Will it be the acid reflux disease of a Keith Olbermann, or the basic common sense of a Victor Davis Hanson? The acidic ravings of a Sean Penn, or the basic common sense of a Clint Eastwood? The acidic dissolution of a Harry Reid, or the basic common sense of a Joe Lieberman? Acidophilic leftism, or basic conservatism? Nancy Pelosi, or any Republican Congressman? Joe Biden's fake hair, or Sarah Palin's lipstick? Obama's naive (or possibly miscreant) plan to talk our enemies into a catatonic state, or McCain's common sense to speak softly and deliver shock and awe.

The Election of 2008 may be a litmus test. But it is not a game.

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