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Monday, September 15, 2008

The Lame Blame Game

{link » Lehman Brothers collapse stuns global markets}

The "blame everybody, especially that heinous Bush, but spare my personal accountability" game begins.
Sound Off: Your opinions and comments
“Brings to mind those obscene bonuses of $5 million or more given to GM execs at the holidays, because they might otherwise go elsewhere... not one reporter had the cujones to ask, "go where? Who would hire them?" Toyota doesn't have a fat-cat system; the ceo has an office among the middle-level execs. Only in capitalist-owned America do we sit quietly by while the freeloaders at the top suck up the profits while those who made their companies successful with the sweat of their brows get laid off in multitudes... serves them all right. I'm taking my money out of the stock market today. I won't live long enough to see it recover. Thanks, greedy ones.” — Woman at Large
Well, Large Woman, 5-megabucks here, 5-megabucks there, pretty soon you're talking real money. What is happening in the financial markets, however, involves gigabucks; hundreds of gigabucks. And as you proceed to blame the "fat-cat system" in "capitalist-owned" America, consider that until you decided to take your money out of the stock market, you were a capitalist too, albeit an unsuccessful capitalist (there are a lot of those).

Did you forget that stock market investment involves risk? Were you OK with capitalism when you were sucking up profits before the turnaround, while others were making your stock more valuable with the sweat of their brows (though I fail to see how brow-sweat ... oh, never mind)? Perhaps we should have a dual economic system that people can switch between: capitalism during a bull market; and socialistic Federal bailouts for bear markets. That way, all the cats (fat, skinny, small, and large) can continue to make money, while taxpayers can pay for your personal unaccountability.
“This administration is a disgrace. They planned this to happen. They knew. How DARE they allow all these people to lose jobs, lose their houses, lose hard earned money while they allow the top 1% to get bonuses? Bring back the guillotine. If the old man with melanoma and the drill, baby drill witch get into office, it'll be the end of the world as we knew it. Time to buy gold and hide it. Get a plot of land and plant some potatoes. Hunker down, it's going to worse.” — jinky
I knew someone like junky would be heard from. "They planned this to happen. They knew."? It wasn't enough that they, along with the Zionist conspiracy to rule the world's banking systems, planned the 9/11 attacks, now they "DARE to allow all these people to lose jobs, lose their houses, lose hard earned money while they allow the top 1% to get bonuses"?

Why is this Administration knowingly: killing thousands of innocent Americans; destroying skyscrapers; allowing people to lose jobs; allowing people to lose the houses they couldn't afford; allowing people to lose their hard earned money (not to mention the easy unearned money), instead of taking the fat-cat bonuses away and giving them to the people, just the way all those nice Communist countries were supposed to do? What is that Bush crowd trying to accomplish by all this mayhem? Maybe it's some evil plan to clean up the gene pool. Off with their heads!

Hey junky, low blow on "the old man with melanoma and the drill, baby drill witch". Can I assume you're an Obama supporter? Just a wild-ass guess.

"Hunker down, it's going to worse." Fer shur, dude, it's going "to worse".

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