Read related » The War on the Young
Obama tries to fool them again
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“Last week, in an effort to limit the damage to congressional Democrats in November’s elections, President Obama set out in pursuit of the youth vote, traveling to several college campuses to rally the young activists who were so important to his presidential campaign. “What I want to do is just to speak to young people directly and remind them of what I said during the campaign,” he told reporters on Monday. But rather than listen to the president talk about what he said two years ago, young voters should look at what he has been doing ever since. In fact, it is precisely younger Americans who should be most distressed by Obama’s agenda and governing choices as president: Their future is at stake, and they are on the losing end of his key policies. […] That is because our entitlement system, which transfers immense amounts of money from the young to the old, cannot be sustained. Welfare states are always built on the backs of the young, and some degree of age-based wealth transfer is reasonable, as able-bodied workers help older people who can no longer work. But to sustain themselves, and to avoid suffocating the larger society, such entitlement programs must take care to allow young workers to build wealth, and to start families of their own. […] Rather than address these problems, President Obama and the Congress have chosen to pile an enormous new entitlement program atop them. The health care bill enacted in March is a massive transfer of wealth from people at the beginning of their working lives to (generally much wealthier) people toward the end of their working lives. Beyond the sheer cost of its new system of subsidies, the law strictly limits the difference between insurance premiums paid by 18-year-olds and those paid by 64-year-olds — despite enormous differences in health care costs between the young and the old. It therefore makes health insurance far more expensive for younger people while compelling them to buy it. It is also slated to increase overall national health care spending, which will of course be borne by today’s young taxpayers in the coming decades. […] The fact is that the implicit ideal of the left — the European-style social-democratic welfare state — is hostile to the young and to future generations. It prioritizes present benefits over future growth, present retirees over productive workers, and the present generation over those to come. No society can remain wealthy and strong with such distorted priorities. […] Instead, we should pursue a free economy with a robust safety net — a society that values young workers and parents no less than retirees, and that helps the poor become more independent rather than making the middle class less so. Everyone should want that, and especially the young.” [emphasis added]
— YUVAL LEVIN, October 11, 2010, Vol. 16, No. 04 (
Young people, please listen carefully; I am only going to say this once: Obama is not your friend. He is nobody's friend (except His own), and least of all is He a friend of the young.
What, then, is my stake in all this? I have three granddaughters, and I am very concerned about their future welfare — I don't want them ending up living in a welfare state. That will surely be the end of the American dream as we know it.
I am retired and I've got mine, so to speak, which, by the way, I worked hard for. I have a small pension, combined with Social Security and Medicare. I can live out my life without much concern of ending up homeless. Personally, I have little to gain from stopping Obama's leftist agenda, except to put an end to my revulsion for His ruinous policies toward this great Nation of ours.
But you young people who are old enough to vote, as well as to die for your country, don't waste your precious time and energy idolizing this false prophet. He is screwing you royally. And, make no mistake, He will not respect you in the morning.
Post 1,437 Youth Is Wasted on the Wasted Young
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