Read related » US warns Assad of Israeli counter-strike for terror campaign
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“The Obama administration has sent Syrian president Bashar Assad a stern warning that he will be held personally accountable and face consequences if Israel and the Palestinian Authority are subjected to a terror campaign - whether by Hizballah or the Palestinian extremist groups based in Damascus, DEBKAfile reports from Washington. The warning went out Thursday, Sept. 2, as Israelis and Palestinians sat down to talk in Washington in the shadow of threats from extremists sheltering under Syria's wing and after two attacks on the West Bank.”
— DEBKAfile Exclusive Report, September 5, 2010 (
Now that your "Fearless" Leader has taken His first baby step as Commander-in-Chief of America's Armed Forces, please get a grip on your inclination to take Him to task for His "unbridled militarism". Do not be alarmed. It may only be a sign of some very faint remnant of real moral obligation to upholding His sworn Oath of Office to the United States, but so far it is just a baby step in the right direction. It is simply analogous to the playground braggadocio we all heard when we were kids: "My dad can lick your dad!", His "dad", in this instance, being Israel.
You see, boys and girls, the terrorists and the rogue states who sponsor them are not your friends. They are your enemies, the latter term meaning "people who want to kill you". Such people can not be persuaded to become your friends by any means, including bowing and scraping, which to your enemies is an obvious sign of submission. No matter what jargon you ascribe to it, be it "outreach" or "diplomacy", ass-kissing is indistinguishable from submission.
So, how's that hopey-dopey workin' for ya? Embarrassed yet?
Post 1,407 A (baby) step in the right direction
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