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Friday, August 31, 2012

Well, do ya, punk?

Harry Callahan: I know what you're thinking. “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
Well, do ya, punk?”
Related source » UNDIEPUNDIT.COM: Eastwood Made My Day: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Clint Eastwood struck a nerve at the GOP convention. The Left is apopleptic. Many on the Right are confused. The apoplectic Left understands exactly what happened and their outrage is justified. The confused Right have no excuse. I have some experience with this phenomenon. I inadvertently turned the tables on Obama and the left by ridiculing them in this cartoon from 2011. The response was amazing and ferocious. Ridicule, especially in the electronic media, is the exclusive domain of the Left. How dare I make fun of Obama and the Left on YouTube and have it go viral!”
— Posted by @RonnyReich, August 31, 2012 (

Clint Eastwood Vs Barack Obama: The Re-Match


Sunday, August 26, 2012

… on a lawnmower?!

There's dumb; there' dumber. This is dumber.

James David Gray (Image via
Related source » Dumb Criminals Mugshot Gallery, 2011/2012 (3 of 92): James David Gray 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
“James David Gray was charged with his fifth DUI when police in Ocala, Fla., pulled him over for driving drunk on a lawnmower[!]” [emphasis added] — Marion Co. Sheriff's Dept. (

Yes Mr. Gray, you're a dumbass. D'you wan' a second opinion? You need an industrial-strength facelift.

D'you wan' another? I didn't think so.

Case closed.

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Post 1,873 … on a lawnmower?!”

Thursday, August 23, 2012

This Week's Best of Rule5

(Image via Theo)

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Post 1,872 This Week's Best of Rule5

Ho Chi Minh, et al.

LOS ANGELES, CA - NOVEMBER 2: U.S. Sen. Barbar...
LOS ANGELES, CA - NOVEMBER 2: U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) attends a post election party November 2, 2010 in Hollywood, California. U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) won a tight Senate race in California against Republican senatorial candidate and former head of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina, while California Attorney General and Democratic candidate Jerry Brown is leading Former eBay CEO and Republican candidate Meg Whitman for the Governor's seat. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

“Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh I am!”

Related source » Roger L. Simon » Fear and Shame on the Campaign Trail #4 — Arrested Development: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“How bad will it actually be if Barack Obama is reelected? […] The world will go rudderless as America increasingly abandons its leadership position. Forget the clowns at the United Nations, forget even NATO, without the USA at the helm, the citizens of planet Earth are on their own. I suspect even Vladimir Putin is secretly concerned. But not Barack Obama. As D’Souza convincingly shows us, he lives in a world deeply nostalgic for an anti-colonialism that was at its most popular somewhere around 1968 when Barack was seven. I wasn’t, of course. As a college student then I shouted “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh” as loud as the next man, only I realized pretty quickly that the anti-colonialist Chairman Ho was just another communist despot who threw his opponents into forced labor camps when he didn’t shoot them. The folks who surrounded the young Obama then, as D’Souza again convincingly shows us, remained on the other side. More than that, they promoted it. And those [who are] still around still promote it, overtly and covertly — a mass case of arrested development. So that is what we see all around us now on the campaign trail, more even than fear, shame, and the usual loathing — arrested development. It accounts for the absolute glee expressed by liberal Democrats that some moronic Republican congressman from Missouri said something Neanderthal about rape. (Barbara Boxer practically had an orgasm.) It accounts for the relief, also seemingly quasi-orgasmic, from mainstream media outlets that they can devote themselves exclusively to this dim bulb’s utterances without having to spend a second more on the economic catastrophe that threatens to upend us all, including [our] children. And in another way it accounts for the almost rabid responses to the most banal of revelations — that Paul Ryan dated a black woman. (Who didn’t?) The reactionary liberal press doesn’t know how to wrap its hive mind around this one. It must be a trick. And even if it’s not, Ryan’s policies must still be anti-African American. Some wag at the Washington’s Post’s “The Root” blog went so crazy at the revelation as to compare Ryan to Strom Thurmond because the dead segregationist fathered a mixed-race daughter. Talk about arrested development.” [emphasis added]
— Roger L Simon, August 23, 2012 (

I witnessed (first hand) that mass hysteria of 1968, too, on the campus of Columbia University, albeit as a graduate student not as an undergrad. Unlike Simon and the proverbial "next man", however, I wasn't shouting “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh”. I was busy trying to complete my doctoral dissertation so that I could move on with my adult life, together with my wife and infant son. I saw the craziness then for what it was, despite being only a couple of years older than those boomers who were engaging in "free love", imbibing cheap beer, screaming cheap shots at the establishment, and generally engaging in the sort of pain-in-the-ass behavior as their derivative-minded ass-holes who recently "occupied Wall Street".

Although a very small number of those boomers eventually saw the (euphemistically speaking) "error of their youthful exuberance", the majority of those same jerks are still sporting ponytails (as if no one will notice their receding hairlines), and skipping their weekly bath. Some of these aging hippies have even infiltrated the ranks of our political "leadership" (pardon the expression). You know who they are. They are typified by the batshit crazies who are driving once-beautiful California into oblivion.

I say, "A pox on all of these useless scumbags". Are you listening Barbara "Batshit" Boxer?

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Post 1,871 Ho Chi Minh, et al.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Failed State on Fast Train for Bailout

It is not insanity. It is a sinister plan to force a Federal bailout.

Such a plan, of course, relies heavily on Obama's reelection.

Big Sur, California
Big Sur, California (Photo credit: the_tahoe_guy)
Related source » Is California the New Detroit?: 'via Blog this'   h/t Newmark's Door
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Most Californians live within miles of its majestic coastline – for good reason. The California coastline is blessed with arguably the most desirable climate on Earth, magnificent beaches, a backdrop of snow-capped mountains, and natural harbors in San Diego and San Francisco. The Golden State was aptly named. Its Gold Rush of 1849 was followed a century later by massive post-war growth. […] This success has created a problem: Californians, due to their golden history, live unreflective lives. The Tea Party movement generated a political tsunami that swept more than 60 incumbents from political office in 2010, but the wave petered out at California’s state line as Democrats take every elected office in the state. The state budget, mandated to balance by law, has been billions in the red for ten straight years. Yet Californians re-elect the same politicians, year after year, who produce budgets with multi-billion dollar deficits. California voters rejected Meg Whitman, the billionaire founder of Ebay, in favor of Jerry Brown. California now has a $16 billion deficit which “assumes” that California voters will pass massive tax increases on themselves. If they do not, the 2013 deficit becomes a mind numbing $20 billion. Yet despite the red ink, Governor Brown signed into law a “high speed rail” bill that will spend $6 billion on a train between Fresno and Bakersfield – not LA and San Francisco as promised. Polls turned against the choo-choo, but there remain no outcry from California voters.”
— by Robert J. Cristiano, 08/17/2012 (

Fer shur, you thought those Californians were batshit crazy, just like their foremost political icon, Nancy "Sleeps Upside-down" Pelosi. I did too, until I realized that was the misdirection-part of their ultimate goal. Of course, the insanity and dope-induced crazy is ubiquitous, too. Nevertheless, the power brokers have integrated method with their madness. What's the sinister angle? A Federal bailout, courtesy of Barack "Fleece the Suckers" Obama.

It's the only explanation short of outright mass-hysterical insanity. How the f*ck else can one envision the rational for tacking-on a $6-billion dollar train-to-nowhereville to an already preposterous (and, strictly speaking, illegal) $20-billion debt?

So maybe you don't think such a scheme is very sinister. Think again. Enter the Economics-101 concept of "moral hazard". Once California is bailed out from the Federal Treasury, every one of the other 49 (56 by Obama's reckoning) states will be forced to follow suit. They have no choice. Otherwise, they will end up paying for California's intentional self-destruction without getting anything in return.

If you are thinking this upcoming election is not the most critical since the Elections of 1860 and 1864, then you might as well just cash-in whatever chips you may have lying around, and stock up on your favorite mind-altering chemicals. Then, after the dust and smoke settles, kiss your ass goodbye.

You're welcome.

Image via Theo

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Post 1,870 Failed State on Fast Train for Bailout

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Hero

E.T. Williams on Barack Obama: “Expose this clown!”

Obama Dreams his father's Dream
Obama Dreams his father's Dream (Photo credit: Richard Loyal French)
Related source » Why Doesn't Obama Run on His Record (He Can't): 'via Blog this' [h/t TPC]
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Why doesn't Obama run on his record? […] The economy sucks. The unemployment sucks. High gas prices […] He is a Communist […] ”
— E.T Williams, Aug 10, 2012 (

Friday, August 10, 2012

Atom bomb historic sites may become national park

Another Remembrance in Spacetime

(Image via Wikipedia)
The "Trinity" gadget, fully assembled and ready to test
Related source » Atom bomb historic sites may become national park: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“(CBS News) The U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, 67 years ago. It led to the Japanese surrender that ended World War II, and brought us into the nuclear age. Now there's a plan to mark the history of that devastating weapon by turning its birthplaces into a national park.


Even the home of the bomb's lead physicist Robert Oppenheimer would be open for tours. It's still standing and so is its longtime resident. Helene Suydam, 92, moved there in the late '50s. She's kept the living room very much the way Oppenheimer left it. When asked if her home becomes a national park - and what happens to her in the meantime - Suydam said with a laugh, 'Well, they don't get it until I'm not here, so I'm not worried!'”
— By Lee Cowan, August 6, 2012 (CBS News)
[h/t "Los Alamos Report"]

As a personal aside, I know Helene Suydam from my duplicate bridge-playing days in Los Alamos. Back then, however, I was not aware that she lives in the most famous home in Los Alamos — Robert Oppenheimer's former residence.

I checked the present-day roster of local players at the Los Alamos Duplicate Bridge Club, and I note that Helene is still playing bridge.
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Post 1,868 Atom bomb historic sites may become national park

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This Week's Best of Rule5

Katya (Image via
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Post 1,867 This Week's Best of Rule5

That Loathsome Campaign Trail

Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama & Michelle Obama
Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Plumbing the depths of the Obama campaign …

Leaving all decency behind us
We travel through the muck
With Holyshitwood to guide us
On the loathsome trail we truck

Never to return

[With apologies to Lonesome Trail lyrics]
Related source » Fear and Shame on the Campaign Trail: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“In other words, a large portion of the American public has effectively been brainwashed. And the brainwashers are the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. […] Journalists fear for their jobs and their jobs are increasingly precarious. If they change their opinions, even investigate the possibility that the other side might have some reasons, quite often they are out the door. So not only do they toe the line, they are disinclined even to consider alternatives in their minds, consciously or unconsciously, because those alternatives are dangerous to their livelihood. […] They have seen the same things we all have and know that the economy (the very heart of America) is failing. And they know deep down that they are responsible for some of it, because they bought and promoted Barack Obama as if he were a messiah without the slightest bit of vetting. Obama was anointed, not elected. To this day no one knows who he is, possibly even Obama himself. And deep down these journos are embarrassed by this (who wouldn’t be?) but they can never never admit it. To do so would injure their self-image and self-respect to the level of personality disintegration. So this shame is projected out in rage and, yes, loathing toward you, me, Mitt Romney, and anyone else who might deign to disagree with them. […] It is, after all, projection. Ideology is but a pretentious cover for rage. […] For to wander off the reservation is a road to penury. And who wants that now more than ever with the number of media jobs contracting? Of course, the ones who are screwed by this song and dance are you and me — the American public. And no doubt some day the journalists themselves. If Obama wins, they will rejoice on election day. But they will shortly be throwing up. In the words of Brillat-Savarin, 'You are what you eat'. (Actually he said, 'Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are' — a yet more delicious irony).”
— Roger L. Simon, August 8, 2012 (

I'll tell you what the journos eat — they eat shit. Moreover, when they finish their daily platefull, they say, "It tastes like shit, but it's good!
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Post 1,866 That Loathsome Campaign Trail

Monday, August 6, 2012

Q: What is the essence of Obama's campaign?

A: It's horseshit!

Media film 'The Age of Bullshit' by George Shaw
(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
Related source » A talking horse? Is this really what the election has come down to?: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Those who can — do; while those who can't — become stone-throwing politicians, living in glass houses protected by an army known as the mainstream media!”
— Michael Haltman, August 6, 2012 (

Wake up, America! That odor you smell may be your future!
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Post 1,865 Q: What is the essence of Obama's campaign?”

Award-Winning Video: “Nocturnal”

Coat of arms of Western Australia
Coat of arms of Western Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Related source » Nocturnal: Scenes from the Southern Night: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Have you ever seen the night sky change? It does -- sometimes in beautiful and unexpected ways. To see it, though, usually requires patience.”
— Astronomy Picture of the Day, 2012 August 6 (

Nocturnal - Scenes of the Southern Night, Western Australia and Chile. from Colin Legg on Vimeo.
This is a selection of nightscape scenes I put together for entry into the 2012 David Malin Awards. The awards are for images of the night sky and landscape captured by Australian astrophotographers.

Read More…

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Post 1,864 Award-Winning Video: Nocturnal

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Whole Lotta Joltin' Goin' On

In physics, "jerk", also known as "jolt" (especially in British English), "surge" and "lurch", is the rate of change of acceleration; that is, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time, the second derivative of velocity, or the third derivative of position.
— From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Related source » The Greatest Show On Earth【HD】★ 'ISLE of MAN' TT ★
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]
— by Locck9 (

Speed, acceleration, and jolt. A whole lotta jolt!

Image via Theo
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Post 1,863 Whole Lotta Joltin' Goin' On"

More Proof Required

Reid, prove that you are not a scumbag.

Image via
Related source » Week in Blogs: Reid, Prove That You Are Not a Transvestite ...: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“Is Obama going to start a hot dog chain called Pup-Fil-A?”
— Theo Spark, 4 August 2012 (

Enquiring Minds Want to Know:
  • Reid, prove that you are not a transvestite.
  • Pelosi, prove that you don't sleep while hanging upside down from the ceiling.
  • Obama, prove that your pants don't burst into flames whenever your lips move.
  • MSM, prove that you are neither useful, nor idiots.
  • Liberals, prove that you are not extra terrestrials.
  • Waxman, prove that you and Pelosi don't belong to the same species.
  • Biden, prove that you are not a "big f*cking dope".
  • Jerry Brown, prove that you are not an asylum inmate masquerading as an ordinary California Leftist.
  • Holyshitwood, prove that you are relevant to anyone other than the people who don't have a life of their own.
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Post 1,862 More Proof Required

This Week's Best of Rule5

Цвета лета      (Image via

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Post 1,861 This Week's Best of Rule5

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Personal Maturity Defined

Personal Maturity: Willingness to re-assess long- and/or closely-held views, and to modify them as indicated. — TheBigHenry

English: Portrait of Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Related source » Milton Friedman's Centenary: 'via Blog this'
[This related source is recommended in its entirety.]

“If Milton Friedman were alive today -- and there was never a time when he was more needed -- he would be one hundred years old. He was born on July 31, 1912. But Professor Friedman's death at age 94 deprived the nation of one of those rare thinkers who had both genius and common sense. […] Like many, if not most, people who became prominent as opponents of the left, Professor Friedman began on the left. […] No one converted Milton Friedman, either in economics or in his views on social policy. His own research, analysis and experience converted him. […] I made no secret of the fact that I was a Marxist when I was a student in Professor Friedman's course, but he made no effort to change my views. He once said that anybody who was easily converted was not worth converting. I was still a Marxist after taking Professor Friedman's class. Working as an economist in the government converted me. […] As a student of Professor Friedman back in 1960, I was struck by two things -- his tough grading standards and the fact that he had a black secretary. This was years before affirmative action. People on the left exhibit blacks as mascots. But I never heard Milton Friedman say that he had a black secretary, though she was with him for decades. Both his grading standards and his refusal to try to be politically correct increased my respect for him.” [emphasis added]
— Thomas Sowell, Aug 01, 2012 (

Personal maturity, as I choose to define it, also comprises (implicitly) the humility to admit a degree of bone-headedness in one's youth. Humility is that rare quality most often claimed by posers who haven't the vaguest notion what it entails.

For instance, take that faux-modest recipient of the Nobel Peace-Prize, Obama. For God's sake — please take him. Away. Pretty please.

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Post 1,860 Personal Maturity Defined