Read related » Medical Care Facts and FablesAbsolutely! American main-stream media (MSM) is all about spin. In case you have just returned from extended vacation on Planet Pelosi, which is just beyond Uranus, know that the MSM is now merely an extension of the leftist progressives currently doing everything in their power to exacerbate every problem afflicting the Nation they pretend to represent.
[Reading this related article in its entirety is recommended.]
“There is so much political spin, and so many numbers games being played, when it comes to medical care, that we have to go back to square one and the simplest common sense, in order to get some rational idea of what government-run medical care means. […] We hear a lot about how wonderful it is that the Canadians or the British or the Swedes get free medical treatment because the government runs the system. But we don't hear much about the quality of that medical care. […] British newspapers have for years carried stories about the neglect of patients under the National Health Service […] But the American media don't tell you about such things when they are gushing over the wonders of "universal health care" that will "bring down the cost of medical care." Instead, the media spin is that various countries with government-run medical systems have life expectancies that are as long as ours, or longer. That is very clever as media spin, if you don't bother to stop and think about it. Author Sally Pipes did bother to stop and think about it in her book, "The Truth About ObamaCare." She points out that medical care is just one of the factors in life expectancy. She cites a study by Professors Ohsfeldt and Schneider at the University of Iowa, which shows that, if you leave out people who are victims of homicide or who die in automobile accidents, Americans live longer than people in any other Western country. Doctors do not prevent homicides or car crashes. In the things that doctors can affect, such as the survival rates of cancer patients, the United States leads the world. […] But is life and death something to play spin games about?” [emphasis added]
— Thomas Sowell, 2010/08/24 (
Unless you are perpetually perplexed, it is straightforward to cut through the spin maze. Just accept that:
- All goods and services must be paid for by someone;
- all government-allocated goods and services are ultimately paid for by taxpayers;
- the costs of government-allocated goods and services always include enormous overhead, inefficiencies, and bureaucratic malfeasance;
- with few exceptions, and health care is most definitely NOT one of them, the most efficient means known to man and beast alike for allocating goods and services is free-market capitalism;
- the costs of market-allocated goods and services are subject to supply, demand, competition, and the fact that living organisms respond positively to incentives.
With such common-sense economics in hand, ask yourself, "How in the name of good health could the atrocity pushed through Congress by Pelosi, Reid, and The Obama Himself do anything but increase costs, decrease service, dissuade the best and the brightest from pursuing a career in medicine and nursing, discourage innovation in high-tech instruments and procedures, and attenuate research and development for medicinal improvements?"
If you ask yourself that question in front of a mirror, your reflection, upon reflection, will respond thusly:
It can't!
Post 1,397 Spin-Doctors' Rx for Low-Cost Obamacare: Drop Dead
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