Read related » Iran suspected of executing nuclear staffers over Stuxnet
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report information reaching the West in the past week that Iran has put to death a number of atomic scientists and technicians suspected of helping plant the Stuxnet virus in its nuclear program. The admission by Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization, on Friday, Oct. 8 - the frankest yet by any Iranian official - that Western espionage had successfully penetrated its nuclear program is seen as bearing out those reports. […] DEBKAfile's sources find in Salehi's statement further evidence that Tehran is still fighting an uphill battle against the invasive worm and has not yet succeeded in bringing its nuclear facilities back to normal operation.”
— DEBKAfile Exclusive Report October 10, 2010 (
Yeah, for sure, you can purchase expertise. Loyalty, however, is extra.
There is a huge impedance mismatch between modern science and middle-ages theocracy. The dilemma is: you need the science to enforce the theocracy, but the theocracy doesn't allow the science to flourish.
The terror-sponsors will continue importing nuclear technology, because they know that a scimitar just can't hack it. They'll need their scimitars, however, to keep their engineers in line. But there is always the chance the bombs will fail, or simly blow up in their own backyard.
As the Beatles made clear, "Can't buy me love". It seems to apply to loyalty, as well.
Post 1,444 Nuclear Scientists Unhappy with COLA
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