Read related » Floyd Patterson, Call Your Office
[This related article is recommended in its entirety.]
“But some claims — like “I’m committed to fiscal responsibility” — belong in a remake of The Twilight Zone. What Obama said is not only untrue; it is the very opposite of the truth. And for the president to warn that “if we don’t get a handle on [the long-term deficit] soon, it can endanger our future” is particularly ludicrous, given that in 20 months, he has done so much to make our fiscal situation worse, […] Obama also has a habit of deriding not just the policies but also the motivations of his opponents. […] It is as if Obama believes his ideas are so transparently brilliant and wise and beyond challenge that only the malicious and malevolent can oppose him. And what is striking is how Obama, under growing political pressure, increasingly feels sorry for himself. “They talk about me like a dog,” the president told a crowd in Wisconsin earlier this week.”
— PETER WEHNER - 09.08.2010 (
It is rather bizarre that The Obama would claim "they", whoever they are, talk about Him "like a dog", unless He is employing a euphemism for "S.O.B.". I have observed many different characterizations of Him (most of them spectacularly sycophantic) but never as a mere "dog", unless one allows for an interchange of consonants.
But, now that He has raised the issue, perhaps we should reevaluate how He might be perceived in light of His publicly displayed personal mannerisms and inclinations. His many fans, as we know, have been unabashed in heaping praise on His broad-shouldered mantle, which seems a veritable infinite sink for ever more praise. His critics, however, tend to focus on His less than stellar attributes, so as not to risk blindness, which can ensue when gazing directly at the sun itself.
Upon brief consideration of His many spontaneous self-revelations, particularly His bowing and scraping before other potentates, His thin-skinned petulance, and His incessant whining, He has clearly earned that all-American sobriquet, usually attributed to a sissy or a cute kitty.
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