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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reason and Accountability

{link » Palin and Obama: What Really Is Wisdom?}
What Is Wisdom?

Not necessarily degrees, glibness, poise, or factual recall, but the ability to understand human nature. And that requires two simple things: an inductive method of reasoning to look at the world empirically, and a body of knowledge and experience to draw on for guidance.

Palin in empirical fashion bucked the Republican establishment and the old-boy network when she thought it was unreasonable; Obama never figured out or at least never questioned Tony Rezko or the Chicago machine, Trinity Church or the Pelosi-Kennedy liberal mantra — unless it proved advantageous. Palin draws on everything from position papers on ANWR to how to keep four screaming kids fed and bathed; Obama on Harvard Law Review and dispensing more public money to more Chicago interest groups.

That’s a simplification, but also an answer to the old Euripidean question “What is wisdom?”

©2008 Victor Davis Hanson

[Read Hanson's entire post here.]
Here's an oversimplification for the answer to the old Euripidean question: reason and accountability. And despite the very funny quip in "As Good as It Gets", some women have an abundance of both.

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